Laura and her gang just returned to Silas University - turns out fleeing the scene of an epic battle isn't as easy as it sounds. After Carmilla scored them some swish new digs, and LaFontaine being a bit annoying, the time has come for the two love-birds to enjoy the sweetness of young tender romance - until Perry shows up completely freaked out. Air Date : 2nd-Jun-2015 Read More
Perry just had a horrific encounter that left her all covered in blood, which is now dropping on the ancient carpet: The student newspaper staff at the "Voice of Silas" was brutally slayed dead. Laura realizes that fleeing the campus wasn't the right thing to do; and since there's no one else left to bring light to this, it's her duty to stay and solve the mysterious crime. Air Date : 4th-Jun-2015 Read More
To take some action against the chaos, Laura creates a news segment which informs the students on campus about what's going on, called the "Silas News Network" (SNN). On her channel, she invites the representatives of the figthing student groups, the Zetas and the Summers, to a meeting to mend fences. And, yes, they show up at their doorstep. Air Date : 9th-Jun-2015 Read More
When the Zetas and the Summers have difficulties to agree on a truce, Kirsch suggests that Danny and himself could voluntarily represent both faculties during the time of the investigation into the murder of the newspaper staff. After they leave, Laura and Carmilla have some needed privacy to "talk" - until Perry enters, shaken up by something horrible, again. Air Date : 11th-Jun-2015 Read More
With the help of Carmilla, Laura and LaFontaine try to decipher the wicked dream that Perry had while a threat was inscribed on her stomach in Latin. They decide to look through the files of the Dead Journalists Society for clues and find some notes about Silas University's Board of Governors. In the morning, the Chair of the Board makes her grand entrance. Air Date : 16th-Jun-2015 Read More
Drum roll: Introducing, Matska Belmonde, the Chair of the Board, also the "daughter" of The Dean who comes for sweet revenge, also called Mattie, especially by Carmilla, who can save Laura from the deadly fangs of her older "sister" - at least for now. Not save at all: Laura's broadcasts on SNN, which will be joined by Mattie, to balance out their pro-human bias. Air Date : 18th-Jun-2015 Read More
After learning from Mattie that they're living in The Dean's old apartment, Laura feels a bit icky and needs a few answers from Carmilla. And by answers, she doesn't mean the kind of gibbery that she gets from Mattie on her next SNN broadcast - worst PR stunt ever! After Laura calms down, LaFontaine has some more disturbing news. Air Date : 23rd-Jun-2015 Read More
The sudden disappearance of the library causes J-P to malfunction due to having power issues, while the Summers and the Zetas start to protest against the Chair of the Board interfering in their activities. Mattie makes clear that she won't have any discussion about it - loud and clear. Air Date : 25th-Jun-2015 Read More
After Mattie explained that the Board has to make big cuts, Laura and the gang find out that they also intent to sell off the demonic anglerfish Lophiiformes, the demigod that was woken up during the battle and that is now stuck in the huge crater, almost ready and loose to destroy the whole world. Out of options: What if Carmilla spies on her "sister"? Air Date : 30th-Jun-2015 Read More
Reluctant, Carmilla decides to have a chat with her big "sis" about what she and the Board are up to. Meanwhile, Laura and her friends make a visit to the anglerfish crater and find out that an excavation team from a company called Corvae Corporation is searching for a First Gate. Back at the apartment, Kirsch storms in, asking for shelter. Air Date : 2nd-Jul-2015 Read More
As it turns out, when Kirsch volunteered to help the Summers in their Adonis hunt, little did he know that they decided to make him the stag for this year's killing. At the last second, Danny intervenes before the final shot - causing some disdain with her Summer sister Melanippe "Mel" Callis who was ready for the kill. Air Date : 7th-Jul-2015 Read More
After a cosy evening with Carmilla, Laura plans to follow a new lead and meets with the inside source of the killed newspaper staff, who is also one of the members of the Board of Governors of Silas University: Cornelius Hans Albrecht, Lügenbaron von Vordenberg. During the meeting, Perry shows up, once again freaking out. Air Date : 9th-Jul-2015 Read More
LaFontaine calms Perry down by explaining that they managed to transfer J-P into Will's body, the evil vampire bro that was stacked by Perry during the battle. In the meantime, Baron von Vordenberg expresses some reluctance to help Laura in the investigation, on account of her association with Carmilla. Air Date : 15th-Jul-2015 Read More
In what seems to be a last effort to save their freedom, Laura and Danny try to start a student protest - to no avail. Confident in her power as the Chair of the Board, Mattie is about to harvest - until J-P brings up the Board's requirement of a student representative. So, Laura pushes Carmilla to become their spokesperson. Air Date : 16th-Jul-2015 Read More
Carmilla isn't comfortable to represent the student's body on the Board of Governors, which would mean going against her "sister". She gets into a heavy argument with Laura about their different - and perhaps unsurmountable - expectations that they have of each other, cracking up a rift between them. Air Date : 21st-Jul-2015 Read More
After her breakup with Carmilla, Laura notices that all of the terrible habits of her former roomy slash ex-girlfriend manifest again in their new, kind of seperated living arrangement. Meanwhile, Danny, as the new student representative on the Board, reports that Mattie plans to have a vote on selling off parts of the student body's bodies. Air Date : 23rd-Jul-2015 Read More
To find a way to stop Mattie, J-P informs the gang that she could be removed if she's challenged by another Board member in conflict. Laura comes up with the idea to try to get Baron von Vordenberg ready for verbal debate, but victory looks unlikely. Until Perry shows up - this time, unshaken. Air Date : 28th-Jul-2015 Read More
Armed with the information that Perry dug up, Laura blackmails Mattie with incriminating files during the illustrious debate, resulting in her defeat. Baron von Vordenberg takes over her place as the Chair of the Board, with terrible consequences none of the gang could have imagined before. Air Date : 30th-Jul-2015 Read More
Not only due to Carmilla continuing to act out, Baron von Vordenberg's agenda to hunt and kill all vampires on campus finds a lot of followers, even among the Zetas and the Summers. While Perry laments the strange and dangerous events that she's caught up in, and J-P and LaFontaine try to console her, Mattie barges into their apartment. Air Date : 4th-Aug-2015 Read More
Struggling to help Carmilla and to find a middle ground in their relationship, Laura makes a deal with Mattie to hide her and her "sister" in their apartment in exchange to their promise that whey will stop their predatory spree on campus. They agree, but Baron von Vordenberg's troops are already on their way. Air Date : 6th-Aug-2015 Read More
Laura and the gang manage to hide Mattie and Carmilla under the floorboards and avoid them being caught by Baron von Vordenberg's patrol, especially with the help of Danny, who covers for them. After the coast is clear, Mattie and Carmille reemerge - only to meet Perry's angry sprinkle of holy water. Air Date : 11th-Aug-2015 Read More
The attack on Mattie results in an uproar: Mattie knocks out Perry, Laura manages to save her from being killed, which results in Laura almost being strangled by the angry vampire. Later at night, Carmilla tells Laura in confidence about Mattie's only weakness in case she has to defend herself and her ex-lover isn't around. Air Date : 13th-Aug-2015 Read More
While classes have resumed, Laura and the gang have difficulties to adjust to the dangerous living conditions under the new rules of Baron von Vordenberg. Danny comes by and reveals to Laura that she's an outcast of the Summer Society since stopping the Adonis hunt - she has nowhere to go. Enter LaFontaine, with terrible news, again. Air Date : 18th-Aug-2015 Read More
LaFontaine reports that the Zetas started to remove the protesters from the crater in which the demonic anglerfish is stuck. To get more informations, Laura and Danny try to tap into Kirsch's knowledge - to no avail. Without a better idea, Laura and the gang try to blackmail their vampire rommies by starving them - they really shouldn't have done that. Air Date : 20th-Aug-2015 Read More
After Danny is barely able to pull hungry vampire J-P off of LaFontaine's neck, Laura continues to interrogate Mattie about the possible evil plan that Baron von Vordenberg might have. Mattie doesn't seem to know, but she remembers some ominous weapon that would help them to get rid of him. Later that day, Laura tells Danny a secret. Air Date : 26th-Aug-2015 Read More
Learning that Mattie and Carmilla are about to drink the blood of the evil demigod in the crater in order to gain the power to fight Baron von Vordenberg and his forces, Laura tries to stop them. However, Mattie escapes after a heavy argument about her naïve righteousness, which means Laura has to round up the gang to find her. Air Date : 26th-Aug-2015 Read More
After their fruitless search, Kirsch and Danny have a heart to heart about their romance slash friendship. Accidentally, he reveals that the Zetas are helping Baron von Vordenberg to kill the giant anglerfish god in the crater. Before they try to sabotage their efforts, Laura and Carmilla share a moment alone, revealing that love doesn't concer all. Air Date : 1st-Sep-2015 Read More
When Laura and Carmilla return from the crater, they find Mattie passed out in the apartment, with blood on her hands and around her mouth - while Perry is missing. To find out what happened, they check Laura's webcam footage: A doomsday prophecy was spoken! Enter: Baron von Vordenberg. Air Date : 3rd-Sep-2015 Read More
Despite that he promised to Danny that he will leave it alone, Baron von Vordenberg reveals his ambition to kill the anglerfish god. Which leads Mattie to attack him, only held back by Danny, resulting in a fight between them, when Danny ultimately snatches the locket around her neck and stomps on it - her only weakness. Air Date : 8th-Sep-2015 Read More
Mattie dies in her sister's arms. Full of rage, Carmilla is eager to take immediate, cruel revenge, when Laura steps between them, revealing that she told Danny about how to kill a mocking vampire threat. Angry and furious about the murder and Laura's betrayal of confidence, she tells everyone to keep distance from her - and leaves. Air Date : 10th-Sep-2015 Read More
Reeling from Mattie's death, Carmilla's furious departure, Perry's sudden return to the apartment without any memory of what happened to her, and Baron von Vordenberg's goons closing in on them after they killed the anglerfish god, Laura and the gang barricade their quarters and hope for the best. Air Date : 15th-Sep-2015 Read More