E Street - Season : 2

Season 2 Episode 1 - Episode 92

Daniel presents Elly with a ring. Bob finds it hard to hide his sadness when he sees her delightfully gazing at it. Megan's behaviour is out of control and she embarrasses Chris by dressing up in a raunchy outfit and displaying it at the pub. Bob and Harley decide they want to help Annie's mother look after her. Jennifer says she will help them as much as she can. However Annie's Mum doesn't want their help and does not want Harley in her life. When Harley visits his mother alone, Edna locks them both in the sitting room and sets fire to the house. Bob arrives in time to see the house a blaze. Air Date : 17th-Jan-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 2 - Episode 93

Bob saves Harley from the fire but it's too late for Annie and Edna, they both die in the blaze. Annie is buried in the St John's grounds and Harley lays flowers at her grave. Chris is fined for the car crash he had after he and Lisa split up, Abby comes to his rescue and gives him the cash. Daniel visits David to talk about his interference into his and Elly's relationship. They end up getting drunk and Daniel stays over. The following morning Daniel walks into the bathroom to find Jennifer in the shower - she does little to conceal herself. Air Date : 18th-Jan-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 3 - Episode 94

Tom decides to run away. Lisa and Alice have an unusual housewarming party. Daniel tries to fight his growing attraction to Jennifer. Air Date : 24th-Jan-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 4 - Episode 95

Bob brings Toni and Tom home. Elly, Daniel, David and Jennifer play a game of tennis during which the sexual tension between Daniel and Jennifer is apparent. The kids spend the day with Harley and think he's great but Daniel tells Toni she is not allowed to see him anymore. When Harley finds out about Daniel's plans he is angry and smashes up Bob's bike. Daniel and Jennifer give into temptation and share a kiss. Air Date : 25th-Jan-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 5 - Episode 96

Toni and Harley go against Daniel's wishes and continue to see each other. Elly, David and Claire create a diversion for Tom by performing a play for him. Megan breaks down when her dog goes missing; Elly and Martha are concerned for her welfare. Harley overhears Bob standing up for him when he gets slagged off in the pub. Harley is grateful and they make a fresh start. David catches Daniel and Jennifer sharing a kiss. Air Date : 31st-Jan-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 6 - Episode 97

David tries to inject some morals into Jennifer but she won't listen. Daniel asks David what he intends to do, David says he should tell Elly but he can't, he doesn't want to hurt her. Daniel says nothing more will happen between he and Jennifer. Elly advises Chris to have Megan sectioned but he refuses. Daniel pressures Elly into taking time out from her work, she also feels he may want another child. They decide to take time out of their relationship. Air Date : 1st-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 7 - Episode 98

Elly tells Bob that things don't feel right with Daniel; she thinks he wants her to give up her career. Elly and Bob realise it's going to take a special person for each of them to be with forever. Daniel and Jennifer continue their affair despite the fact they know it's wrong. Toni and Harley spend more time together. Ernie's Auntie Vi arrives and Chris accepts that Megan needs help. Air Date : 7th-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 8 - Episode 99

Tom is admitted to hospital when it appears his cancer is back. Auntie Vi makes her presence known with Chris and Abby. Harley makes an effort and takes Toni out on a date - they share their first kiss. Chris takes advice from the doctors and has Megan sectioned. Alice begins to see Paul in a new light. The tragedy of Tom leads Daniel to go back to Elly. They decide to give things another go. Air Date : 8th-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 9 - Episode 100

Abby and Vi continue to be at loggerheads. Vi doesn't think Abby is right for Ernie, but Abby makes a public speech announcing that she will be staying in Westside. Tom faces the fact that he may be dying. David tries to tell Martha that Daniel is having an affair but she doesn't believe him. Alice likes Paul and tries to explain her feelings to him. Toni and Harley go to the beach for the day, but disaster strikes when they fall asleep and don't wake up until morning. Air Date : 14th-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 10 - Episode 101

Chris and Megan agree to work things out and get through everything together. Simon finds out about Toni and Harley's beach trip when he catches her arriving home in the morning. He promises not to tell on the condition that she his slave for a week. Abby and Vi begin to drag Lisa into their row. Tom's only chance of life is a clinic in Switzerland but the waiting list is long. Jennifer pulls strings and gets him at the top of the waiting list, meaning Elly, Claire and the Windsors are about to move to Switzerland. Air Date : 15th-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 11 - Episode 102

Alice's night with Paul is a disaster, interruptions mean she doesn't get to declare her feelings. Elly is curious as to how Tom got into the clinic so quickly. Lisa decides to leave the pub and look for another job. Chris is shocked when Megan tells him she is pregnant. Daniel puts his foot down with Toni and Harley and demands Bob's help in stopping them from seeing each other. However Bob doesn't see the harm in Toni and Harley being together. The pressure again gets to Daniel and he goes to see Jennifer, leaving Elly and Toni to question his whereabouts. Air Date : 21st-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 12 - Episode 103

Alice asks for Lisa's help in getting Paul alone, so Lisa asks Paul out on behalf of Alice. Paul accepts enthusiastically under the impression that he has a date with Lisa. Lisa relays Paul's great reaction to Alice, leading Alice to get her hopes up. Vi helps Harley scrub up into a suit and she also teaches him some good manners, however it gets him nowhere and Daniel shuts the door in his face. Elly finds out that Jennifer was the mystery behind Tom's clinic place. She asks Daniel where he was the night before and he tells her he was at home. However when Elly runs into Paul he comments that he saw Daniel's car outside Jennifer's house the night before. Elly goes to see Jennifer who confirms her suspicions that Daniel is having an affair. Air Date : 22nd-Feb-1989  Read More

Season 2 Episode 13 - Episode 104

Elly tells Martha about Daniel's affair, whilst Jennifer tells Daniel that Elly knows. For part of her school project Claire spends the day with George at the police station. Her duties include handcuffing George to the desk and talking to Inspectors on the phone! Bob can't believe Daniel and Jennifer have been having an affair and dismays Jennifer, he tells her how much this has hurt Elly. Jennifer thinks she and Daniel have a future but he tells her it's over between them. Alice plays Paul a song telling him how much she likes him. He tells her that he likes her only as a friend and thought the date was with Lisa and not with her. Toni and Harley split up but Harley cheers up when Bob presents him with the bike - sparkling and brand new. Daniel tries to make amends with Elly but she tells him they are finished for good. Air Date : 28th-Feb-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 14 - Episode 105

Alice isn't speaking to Lisa because of what happened with Paul. Lisa tries to explain that it's not her fault. Jennifer finds she is not welcome in Westside after news of her and Daniel's affair spreads like wildfire. She decides to leave Westside and stay with her father. Abby and Vi have a cooking competition with Bob and Harley acting as judges - but they declare a draw! Chris and Megan spend some quality time together and he gives her his Mum's ring. Bob lends Elly some support, she tells him and Claire they are not going to Switzerland anymore. Jennifer writes Daniel a farewell letter which makes its way into Toni's hands. Air Date : 1st-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 15 - Episode 106

Abby and Vi try to settle their differences over a game of cards. Vi is surprised that Abby knows a thing or two about card games. Lisa gets a new job and Alice starts talking to her again. They settle their differences and celebrate. Megan's mother arrives and causes havoc when she finds out the baby wasn't Chris'. She tells Megan to leave Chris and join she and her father in Europe. It's the day the Windsor's have to leave. Daniel tries once more with Elly but she is adamant they are finished. Toni also wants nothing to do with her father and decides to stay in Westside - Elly agrees she can live with her. As the Windsor's reach the check in gate Toni arrives on the back of Harley's back to say a last minute farewell. Daniel asks Harley to look after Toni and they shake hands. Air Date : 7th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 16 - Episode 107

Bob does his best to cheer up Elly but it seems the last thing she wants to do is talk. David arrives with tickets to a medical school event and persuades Elly to go with him. It appears that once again Bob has a rival for Elly's affections. Lisa leaves the pub and Alice is made manager. Chris makes a great sale but his happiness is shattered when he discovers the Bromley's have put his and Megan's house up for sale. Toni feels lost without her family and tells Harley she can't rush into things. They agree to be just friends. Air Date : 8th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 17 - Episode 108

David sets his sights on getting Elly back and goes to great lengths to impress her. Bob feels left out and begins to wonder where his life is going. He gets in his car and drives, remembering Jimmy as he goes. Claire is missing Tom, Harley helps Toni to cheer her up. Lisa arrives for her first day working at the local paper but gets sacked. It appears the paper is getting a new editor. George forgets Martha's birthday when Detective Harry Haddock tells him Lisa's brother Sonny Bennett is being released from prison. Air Date : 14th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 18 - Episode 109

Kim Talbot arrives as the new editor of the Westside Advocate. Lisa tries to convince Kim to take her on but Kim refuses. George tells Lisa that Sonny is on his way back to Westside. Lisa tells him she hopes Sonny can have a fresh start. David continues to buy Elly gifts in order to win her back. He also arranges for Claire and Toni to leave them alone for a while. Bob visits minister Jack Waterford, an old friend of Jimmy's. Bob tells Jack he thinks it's time for him to leave the church and Westside. Sonny arrives on Lisa's doorstep and makes an instant impression on Alice. Air Date : 15th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 19 - Episode 110

David organises a romantic night with Elly; chocolate, wine and her favourite video. However she sees through his plan and tells him to leave. She's upset he has tried to worm his way back in after what happened with Daniel. Harley is confused about his relationship with Toni. Sonny's arrival worries George especially when he begins to get close to Alice. Kim finally gives Lisa a job at The Advocate. Jack continues to talk to Bob. He tells him to give some of himself to others instead of just watching other people be happy. Through talking to Bob Jack realises that he is in love with Elly, he tells Bob to tell Elly he loves her. Air Date : 21st-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 20 - The Reverend & the Doctor?

Ernie is experiencing pain in his abdomen, he asks Martha to take a look. Abby overhears the consultation and is convinced that Martha and Ernie are having an affair. Chris and Megan go on a camping trip but find themselves in danger when a snake crawls into Chris's sleeping bag. Bob arrives back in Westside a changed man. He tells Harley he's had a good chat with Jack and things really going to change. He goes to see Elly and they arrange dinner. Bob is all ready to tell Elly he loves her but she scuppers his plans by announcing that she is not interested in men at the moment. Sonny annoys Lisa by not reading one of her articles, things escalate into a row and Sonny screams that he can't read. Air Date : 22nd-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 21 - Episode 112

Ernie tells Abby that he has a hernia - he and Martha are not having an affair! Lisa and Sonny go to visit Marge in jail. Marge tells Lisa that whilst in prison Sonny has learned to hate - she can see it in his eyes. George tells Bob that Sonny is back in town, they wonder if they should be worried as Sonny threatened to get them both back for putting him in jail 5 years ago. Megan saves Chris from the snake when she hits it over the head with a frying pan! Bob tries once again to tell Elly he loves her but is interrupted by David. As Elly and David make up, Bob takes the hint that Elly isn't meant to know how he feels. Lisa and Alice start writing a serial for the advocate. Sonny meets Harley - the reverend's son. Air Date : 28th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 22 - Episode 113

Abby and Vi involve Vi's bird Jerome in their feud. Abby takes him from Vi's room and puts him on the balcony, Vi finds him there and takes him out of the cage - leading Abby to believe that he is gone. Sonny confides in Alice about his learning difficulties - he also gets closer to Harley. Everyone fusses around Ernie as he goes into hospital for his hernia operation. Elly get's Toni a date for the school prom with the hottest guy in school. Air Date : 29th-Mar-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 23 - Episode 114

Toni gets dressed up for her date only to find that his looks do not compensate for his boring personality. Sonny robs the local Dehli at gunpoint and uses a naive Harley as the getaway car. It's the day of Chris and Megan's house auction and Paul buys the house. They are at first disappointed and betrayed, until Paul tells them he brought it so they can be his tenants. Elly once again turns David down. New Constable Max Simmons arrives at Westside police station. Air Date : 4th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 24 - Episode 115

Ernie takes advantage of Abby and Vi's bickering by pretending to be sicker than he is. They both run around after him trying to outdo each other. Max's time in Westside doesn't get off to a good start when he offends Martha and arrests David! However he does make a friend in Claire. Sonny tells Toni that Harley has been seeing her school friend Janine. Chris and Megan move back into their house whilst Lisa begins to feel left out with Alice and Sonny. Sonny tells Harley that they need some money; Harley unwittingly gets on the bike and mugs the first person he runs into - Auntie Vi. She is shaken and upset but doesn't know who attacked her. Paul sees Harley and Sonny in the bar with a huge lump of cash. Air Date : 5th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 25 - Episode 116

Harley and Sonny cover up the mugging but Bob, George and Paul question Harley. Max catches a man he believes to be the mugger but Vi won't identify him. Sonny entices Alice by kissing her. David decides he needs a relationship with a bimbo - he finds Leigh at the local aerobics session! Chris, Megan and their friend Pete Mulray decide to start up their own real estate business to compete with the Bromley's. Vi admits to Abby that she is scared after the mugging. Air Date : 11th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 26 - Episode 117

Elly and Bob are curious to meet Leigh and when David organises dinner it appears that Leigh likes Bob more than she likes David! David later tells Elly that he is going to propose to Leigh. Paul and Kim go on a date but Sonny arrives and ruin's a good evening. Chris. Megan and Pete score a deal with local businessman Damian Sharp to build a host of new properties. Sonny takes Toni, Alice and Harley on a car ride and nearly kills them when, high on speed, he nearly crashes into a wall. Air Date : 12th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 27 - Episode 118

Sonny and Harley leave Toni and Alice stranded when Toni refuses to get in a car with Sonny. Elly and Bob fall out over the situation when Elly says Harley should have looked after Toni. It appears that the new properties will be built over a duck pond. Claire and Toni try to gather support to stop it from happening. They find an alliance in Auntie Vi who, on Anzac Day, helps them starts a petition. Air Date : 18th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 28 - Episode 119

Harley gets a tattoo spelling out 'Toni'. She is disgusted as she doesn't like Tatoos! Whilst Lisa and Kim are working at the flat Sonny appears from the toilet with blood gushing from his nose. He has had a bad line of Cocaine and is overdosing. He is rushed to hospital and Lisa is devastated as she was sure he wasn't on drugs. The building work looks set to go ahead so the whole E Street gang gather on the site with banners and protest! However it turns sour when George arrives and threatens to arrest them all. A mass exodus ensues and George ends up in the duck pond whilst the rest of the gang are arrested! Air Date : 19th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 29 - Episode 120

The residents of E Street take hold of the police station! George tries is hardest to make them sign bail forms and leave, but under the following of Auntie Vi everyone seems quite happy to spend the night in the cell! Meanwhile Lisa is finding it hard to believe that Sonny is on drugs and even harder to bring herself to talk to him. David arrives at the police station and demands that Claire be released and returned to school. Slowly, one by one, they leave the police station happy that they've done their piece. But as Claire and Toni take a trip to see the duck pond they find all the ducks have been killed, and Chris is standing at the scene of the crime. Air Date : 25th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 30 - Episode 121

E Street learns that the ducks have died. Chris insists he had no involvement in what happened but it seems barely anyone believes him. He later finds out that Damian caused the ducks death. He and Megan then decide they don't want to do business with such a man and pull out of their deal. However Damian isn't off the hook when Elly and Martha secretly cover his car in water, flour and feathers! Alice and Sonny organise a birthday party at the rectory for Lisa. But when Alice's surprise stripper won't strip the rest of the gang have to strip down to their underwear! Back at the pub and Abby entertains the folk with some sensational singing whilst Sonny begins a fascination with Kim. Air Date : 26th-Apr-1990  Read More

Season 2 Episode 31 - Episode 122

Sonny tells Lisa and Alice he is going bush for a while, in order to get clean and get a job. In reality he stays with Kim, who he has talked into helping him with his drug problem. Daniel calls with bad news about Tom; the treatment isn't working meaning his only hope is a bone marrow transplant. After Damian's departure Abby invests in Chris and Megan's business and they become 'Universal Real Estate'. Their new partnership causes some jealously for Auntie Vi. Max tries to involve himself with the community and David gets evicted from Jennifer's flat! Air Date : 2nd-May-1990  Read More

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