Professor Pierre Ginsberg is having wife trouble and, on the advice of his lawyer, sets out to wear her down with kindness; she wants constant entertainment his lawyer promises him that a month of dancing and entertainment will eventually kill her or, at least, calm her down some. The exact opposite happens and Professor Ginsberg stands a good chance of dying himself. He manages to sing a song, in the best Willie Howard style, along the way.
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1940.
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1942.
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1946.
A very short film about members of a community who one by one suffer murder and assassination by various methods. So much sadness, pain, suffering, by children, mates, couples separated, friends lost. Fear and horror are always present, watching their loved ones being murdered, some in a slow deliberate manner, that will horrify the sensitivities of the tenderest among you.
Kids reject the bad taste of medicine. Bout de Zan steals a cigar and tastes it, but it doesn't work.
Two couples, in the same room, try to keep it together. The human couple fare differently to the pair of Goldfish in their fish tank. An artful piece exploring choice in life and love. The humour is derived from the wistful musings, in Cantonese, of the male fish and narrator.
Leonce works at the Gaumont studios as star actor and his wife suspects him of being unfaithful. She finds ladies' hair on his coat, fan letters in his pocket...