Igneous comes up with a scheme to help Takuro get a kiss from Momoko while Yuri and Hinagiku develop a strategy of their own to get Momoko and Yousuke together. The Love Angels end up facing the devil Ryuck, whose deceptively innocent appearance hides some surprisingly effective tricks. Ryuck succeeds in immobilizing the Love Angels and begins extracting their love waves, but in a strange coincidence, Yousuke’s bell again manages to trigger the appearance another piece of the Saint Something Four. The Something New tiara briefly appears, but immediately flies away. Air Date : 27th-Sep-1995
Momoko leads a normal young girl's life, living happily with her father, a professional photographer, attending school with her friends, Yuri and Hinagiku, and sharing dreams of love involving the star soccer team captain, Yanagiba. However, Momoko's life is turned upside down when a devil named Pluie appears and attempts to steal Momoko's ring, a memento from her deceased mother. Help arrives in the form of an angel named Limone, who gives Momoko a magical compact, the Saint Miroir, which grants Momoko the power to transform into the Love Angel, Wedding Peach. Air Date : 5th-Apr-1995 Read More
After returning to the devil world, Pluie reports to Queen Raindevila that he may have found a piece of the "Saint Something Four" in the human world and pledges to obtain it without fail. As for Momoko, she’s already having a bad day when devils put her classmates into a deep sleep. She transforms into Wedding Peach and also learns to transform into a Fighter Angel. Her attack sends the devils off in retreat, but she is left wondering, what exactly is the Saint Something Four? Air Date : 12th-Apr-1995 Read More
A graduate and former soccer star from Saint Hanazono is about to get married and the current soccer team has been invited to perform at the wedding reception. Momoko's father has been hired as the photographer for the event and allows Momoko and her friends to tag along as assistants. The devil Jama-P possesses the bride, inciting her to insult the groom and spread an evil spell to all the other newlyweds on the premises. Arguments erupt everywhere. Wedding Peach is able to force Jama-P out of the bride and order is restored... except perhaps between Momoko and Yousuke. Air Date : 19th-Apr-1995 Read More
Momoko and Hinagiku visit Yuri's home, where Yuri's mother, a successful wedding dress designer, is preparing for a fashion show. Mistaking the wedding gowns for the Saint Something Four, Pluie and Jama-P destroy the entire collection during the night. The next day, Yuri's mother, under a devil's spell, attacks Yuri. This awakens Love Angel Lily from within Yuri and together with Wedding Peach they send the devils on their way. Air Date : 26th-Apr-1995 Read More
The Tamano household is in chaos when Hinagiku's mother assumes that her husband has forgotten their fifteenth wedding anniversary. However, Hinagiku's father only pretended to forget because he misplaced his anniversary gift, a necklace, and was embarrassed. No sooner than things are ironed out, a stranger possessed by the devils snatches the necklace. When Momoko and Hinagiku apprehend the thief, Limone descends to ask Hinagiku to join the battle as a Love Angel. With the Saint Pendule, a special watch that appears on her wrist, Hinagiku transforms into Angel Daisy and saves the day as well as her parents’ marriage. Air Date : 3rd-May-1995 Read More
A shy classmate asks Momoko to deliver a love letter on her behalf to none other than Fuuma Yousuke. Later, after Momoko hands the letter to Yousuke, Jama-P launches an attack, but Wedding Peach is able to saturate Jama-P with love waves, defeating him. Angered by Jama-P's failure, Pluie arrives and begins to punish Jama-P. However, Peach intervenes and attempts to protect the purified Jama-P. Yuri senses that Peach is in danger and together with Hinagiku they come to the rescue. After the battle, Pluie retreats, but Jama-P is nowhere to be found. Air Date : 10th-May-1995 Read More
The newspaper club conducts a survey to determine what the boys consider to be the perfect girl and the results point to their classmate Yukiko. The next morning, everyone is stunned to find that Yukiko's weight has ballooned overnight. Other girls arrive with the same affliction shortly thereafter. Jama-P comes out of hiding to inform the Love Angels that the devil Omanma is the culprit behind the phenomenon. The Love Angels are reluctant to trust Jama-P, but upon further investigation, they discover that he was telling the truth. After defeating Omanma, the Love Angels accept Jama-P as a friend and ally. Lessons learned, the newspaper club decides to scrap the superficial survey. Air Date : 17th-May-1995 Read More
Students at Saint Hanazono are falling into deep slumber for days and no one has been able to wake them. Suspicious, the Love Angels begin to investigate, but are too late to prevent the devil Pajama from putting Momoko into a dangerous sleep that will deplete her energy until she dies. According to Jama-P, a kiss from her true love is the only way to save her. While Yuri and Hinagiku seek out Yanagiba and hope to convince him to kiss Momoko, Jama-P decides to take a chance on someone else entirely. Air Date : 24th-May-1995 Read More
The "Something Four" is explained when idol actress Miyagawa Erika holds a press conference prior to her wedding. The devils mistake Erika's something four for the magical angel world relics, the "Saint Something Four," and cause her to abruptly call off the wedding and disappear. The Love Angels head out to search for her. Jama-P is able to sense the presence of the devil Ohima, who has the power to make people sleepy and lazy. Limone descends to assist the Love Angels and Aphrodite tells the tale of the "Saint Something Four." Air Date : 31st-May-1995 Read More
Other school clubs try to lure Hinagiku and Yuri away from the newspaper club, leaving Momoko to handle things on her own. As a result, the power of their friendship weakens to the point where they are unable to transform into Love Angels. Perplexed and saddened, Jama-P tries to get the Love Angels back on track, but will they be able to reconcile in time to save the world from the devils Pluie and Sacchima? Air Date : 7th-Jun-1995 Read More
It's déjà vu when Hinagiku’s Saint Pendule watch starts behaving very strangely. The entire Saint Hanazono campus is buzzing in preparation for the school anniversary celebration, but Hinagiku seems to have jumped a day ahead and then experiences the same day twice. Watching the soccer team buy out all of the pork cutlet sandwiches again during lunch is the least of her problems. She and the other Love Angels must somehow break the cycle and defeat the slippery time-stealing devil Tanma. Air Date : 14th-Jun-1995 Read More
The money-grubbing devil Aquelda convinces Raindevila to allow her to go to the human world in search of the Saint Something Four. Meanwhile, the Love Angels have their fortunes told by their fellow student, Reiko, whose predictions are uncannily accurate. Momoko convinces Reiko to have her own fortune told by a pro, but unfortunately the medium they consult is Aquelda in disguise. Possessed by the devil Nanma, Reiko begins destroying happy couples everywhere in order to draw out the Love Angels. Air Date : 21st-Jun-1995 Read More
Momoko laughed its father two tickets for the soccer game off and passes Kazuya one. Your hope is disappointed, comes instead of Kazuya Yosuke. Aquel uses the opportunity to earn money and sells überteuerte ticket. At the same time it notes ""the waves the dear"", that Kaz, that starlings of ""Vardi"" strike. It tries to change all in demons, but that can prevent Momoko. Kaz has a follower, whom Talisman, that its mother gave it fuller dear. Aquelda holds it for one of the ""enchanting four"" and wants to have it. It sends Darma that seizes of Kaz possession and makes it to the racing demon. Our three angels step in action and destroy Darma, free can go on Kaz of the curse and the soccer training. As a Yosuke one of Kaz of hard played form into a ball gets at the head, gets Momoko a giant fright. Develops itself there somewhat? Air Date : 28th-Jun-1995 Read More
Pluie and Aquelda band together and manage to steal Momoko's ring. Momoko is crestfallen, but then her father confesses that her mother is in fact still alive although her whereabouts are a mystery. Yousuke makes a special effort to cheer up Momoko, and to express her appreciation she joins him in detention after school. They are interrupted by the devils' attack. There's no time for Momoko to contemplate the strange energy wave coming from Yousuke, however, as she and the Love Angels have their hands full battling the devils. Air Date : 5th-Jul-1995 Read More
There seem to be more questions than answers. Pluie reports to Raindevila that a powerful wave came from a human and teams up with the devil Nocturne in order to investigate. Momoko is still overset by the mysteries surrounding her mother and the lost ring, and Yousuke suspects that Momoko and her friends are involved in something serious. Pluie kidnaps Yousuke and holds him captive in the devils' forest. The Love Angels, with Jama-P's help, embark on a dangerous rescue attempt. Air Date : 12th-Jul-1995 Read More
Yousuke's life hangs in the balance as the Love Angels and Jama-P continue their rescue efforts. Fighting on the devils' home turf, this confrontation with Pluie may prove to be the Love Angels' most challenging one yet. On top of it all, Wedding Peach's secret identity may have been compromised. When cruel Queen Raindevila tries to send Pluie into the Vortex of Destruction, Peach attempts to save him, but will she only end up sacrificing herself in the process? Air Date : 19th-Jul-1995 Read More
More devils are searching for the Saint Something Four: the devil Sandra and his three recruits, Noise, Blitz, and Cloud. While Momoko is serving detention cleaning the library, Yuri and Hinagiku visit her and stumble upon a town almanac that describes a mysterious light shower that occurred 100 years ago. Could this event have had something to do with the Saint Something Four? The new devils are ruthless in their quest but lack teamwork and the Love Angels are able to drive them away for the time being. Unfortunately for Momoko, her attempts to clean the library were in vain as it now looks even worse than when she started as a result of the battle. Air Date : 26th-Jul-1995 Read More
Noise’s search for the Saint Something Four leads her to Yousuke. When Noise takes the small bell that Yousuke's father left him to the devil world, Lord Sandra determines that Yousuke's bell is not one of the Saint Something Four and berates Noise for her failure. In retaliation, Noise returns to the human world and takes her anger out on Yousuke. Peach struggles to save him but during the battle Yousuke's bell serves as a catalyst that awakens the first item of the Saint Something Four in Peach’s ring, the Something Old. With her new powers, Peach is able to repel Noise. Air Date : 2nd-Aug-1995 Read More
The newspaper club hosts a traditional test of courage one summer evening for the Saint Hanazono students. The fun takes a serious turn when students start disappearing, thanks to the devil Blitz. Yuri is magically guided to another item of the Saint Something Four, the Something Blue earrings, but before Yuri can catch her breath, Blitz snatches them up. The night heats up in battle, and although Blitz proves to be a difficult opponent for the Love Angels, Lily manages to recover the Something Blue and access her new powers. Air Date : 9th-Aug-1995 Read More
Yuri's mother is preparing for another fashion show, this time at a seaside villa. One of the models, Saori, befriends Hinagiku and becomes somewhat like an older sister. When Hinagiku has a crisis, Saori gives her a much-needed pep talk and the "permanent loan" of her pendant. During one of the devil Cloud's attacks, Daisy is able to awaken another piece of the Saint Something Four, the pendant Something Borrowed. With the help of Daisy's new powers, the Love Angels successfully defeat Cloud. Air Date : 16th-Aug-1995 Read More
Gentle and ladylike Yuri starts hanging out on the streets with a rough group of girls and is evasive when her friends ask about it. Eventually the truth comes out and Yuri explains that she is trying to help her old friend, Hitomi, who seems to have lost her way in life after the death of her older sister. Yuri orchestrates an elaborate production with her friends in an attempt to get Hitomi out of her rut, but the devil Sandra finally decides to make an appearance in the human world and attacks Hitomi before things can get started. Fortunately for Yuri, when you're a Love Angel, sometimes miracles happen. Air Date : 23rd-Aug-1995 Read More
Hinagiku secretly tricks Yanagiba into going on a shopping date with her. At the public library, Momoko and Yuri accidentally lose Jama-P, who is mistaken for a stuffed toy and taken by a little girl. Unfortunately for all concerned, the devil Sandra is tracking Jama-P in order to get to the Love Angels. Sandra has plenty of dirty tricks up his sleeve, but Jama-P is able to get the Love Angels out of a pinch and they finally manage to take care of Sandra for good. Air Date : 30th-Aug-1995 Read More
Takuro, that classes climber, cut off in the comparison working once again as best. Presumptuously, how it is, it is with its result naturally not satisfied, because it in specialties as well as z. B. sport unfortunately a rivet remains. Ignis, that should make itself on behalf of Satania again on the search for the dear angels, makes itself this sporting weakness of Takuro zunutze, seizes possession of its body and makes it through it to the super athlete. Strengthened of its new capacities, this adjusts falls in love now Momoko. Hinagiku knows Takuro already out of children day. You do not go its changed behavior out of the head. It worries about it. Of these charming thoughts startled and in the firm belief that it concerns in Hinagiku one of the three dear angels, sends Ignis its assistant Lampo from in order to remove this dear angel. Momoko comes its friend however to aid, and it jointly succeeds both to convert Lampo. Ignis is delighted and wants to try about that not v Air Date : 6th-Sep-1995 Read More
Coerced into a devil's contract, Takuro continues his relentless pursuit of Momoko and flaunting the extraordinary new skills that Igneous is magically granting him. Hinagiku, who has known Takuro since childhood, becomes suspicious of the sudden changes, but the most pressing question is, who is Yanagiba taking to the school dance? Igneous makes another ineffective strike on the Love Angels by sending the devil Blackie. Air Date : 13th-Sep-1995 Read More
Igneous gets serious and sends out the devil Tarashi, who is able to see into a woman’s heart and transform into the object of her affection in order to deplete her love wave with a kiss. The victims are piling up, and Momoko’s life becomes even more troublesome when Takuro discovers her secret identity as Wedding Peach and uses the knowledge to blackmail her into going out on a date with him. When the Love Angels finally catch up to Tarashi, they are barely able to counter his truly frightening attacks. Fortunately, they succeed, and women’s lips everywhere are safe once again. Air Date : 20th-Sep-1995 Read More
Igneous comes up with a scheme to help Takuro get a kiss from Momoko while Yuri and Hinagiku develop a strategy of their own to get Momoko and Yousuke together. The Love Angels end up facing the devil Ryuck, whose deceptively innocent appearance hides some surprisingly effective tricks. Ryuck succeeds in immobilizing the Love Angels and begins extracting their love waves, but in a strange coincidence, Yousuke’s bell again manages to trigger the appearance another piece of the Saint Something Four. The Something New tiara briefly appears, but immediately flies away. Air Date : 27th-Sep-1995 Read More
Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku volunteer at a nursery school for a day but things are not what they expected in more ways than one. Yanagiba appears at the nursery school to pay a special visit to the teacher, Reiko, and the three girls jump to all sorts of conclusions. Air Date : 4th-Oct-1995 Read More
Yousuke asks the newspaper club to help him play matchmaker and get his fellow teammate, Tajima, together with classmate Takeuchi Akiko. Momoko kicks off the plan by taking Akiko for a confidence-boosting makeover. Takuro, who has continued stalking Momoko, mistakes Akiko for a Love Angel and reports back to Igneous. Yousuke and Momoko stage a chance meeting that results in an impromptu double date. Things seem to be working nicely until Igneous spoils the mood by summoning the devil Wolfen. Despite the odds, the Love Angels manage to defeat the devils and make their matchmaking efforts pay off. Air Date : 11th-Oct-1995 Read More
Takuro's life becomes even more complicated with the arrival of the devil Potamos, who has been sent to help Igneous search for the Love Angels and the Saint Something Four. When Potamos invites herself to a Halloween party at the nursery school and puts everyone in danger, Takuro is forced to take drastic measures. Air Date : 18th-Oct-1995 Read More
Takuro becomes increasingly dissatisfied with his devil’s contract with Igneous and the suspicious Love Angels begin investigating Takuro in earnest. Igneous discovers the true identities of the three Love Angels and attempts to destroy them, but he is no match for Peach’s Saint Crystal. Potamos, who has idolized Igneous until now, takes matters into her own hands. Takuro confesses his involvement with the devils to Hinagiku. Air Date : 25th-Oct-1995 Read More
Potamos infiltrates Saint Hanazono Middle School by transforming herself into a human. As the transfer student Kawanami Hiromi, she wastes no time endearing herself to the boys, but is strangely attracted to Yousuke in particular. When Hiromi declares herself the manager of the soccer team, Momoko is forced to sit on the sidelines and watch the new girl put the moves on Yousuke. To make matters worse, Potamos has called upon the devil Shimoshimo to freeze happy couples in chunks of ice. Air Date : 1st-Nov-1995 Read More
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