RI:SE was back today and despite what people its not like the Big Breakfast. The show started with Iain and Edith hanging out there brand new studio and then walking into the studio and sitting down. At 6:59 Edith said she went to the zoo at the weekend and that they didnt have no elephants but they did have foxes. At 7:00 the new news presenter gave her first news bulletin. At 7:01 Edith went to go and get Clair from the dressing room and take her to the coffee bar to be interviewed by Iain. RI:SE has a new game ""Textucution"" is were we get to meet 5 members of the publicand we get to text in who we hate the person with the most votes leaves. The winner at the end gets a holiday. At 7:09 Edith took us into the contol room to give us a preview of her entertainment report. Another new game ""TEXT 2 WIN"" before going to a break Iain gives us a question a dueing the break we text in thje answer, and then when we come back to the show we fine out who the winner is. Dougie was back on RI:SE Air Date : 20th-Jan-2003 Read More
General Chit-Chat broke us into today's edition of RI:SE with then a look at the News headlines with resident reporter and ex-Capital Radio presenter Zora Suleman. Todays topical top 5 included 1. Barrymore's Barnett 2. Colin Farrell 3. Snow 4. Claudia's Baby 5. Welsh Del-Boy Over to the abysmal game, Textecution (which has no point) and this week's winner was Philip! (Bad Luck Sabah, I know I was backing you!!!) Philip did an absolutely awful impression of Homer Simpson too! The All Nighters returned to RI:SE again this Morning! Alex and Sophie attended two bashes last night – they attended the premier of Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant's new film ""Two Week's Notice"" and went to an ‘animal benefit party'. :s Down on to Queensway and to Dougie Anderson in the local Laundrette! Today's OB included Men in several different styles of underwear! Hmmm… YAK! Anyway TPT joined Dougie later on in the show and decided that the guy in the Calvins was the best, lol! Matchbox 20 stars inc Air Date : 31st-Jan-2003 Read More
The RI:SE audience seem a lot mre lively then they normally do. Looks like C4 have listen to viewers because it looks like Zora is going to be doing the news infront of the control all the time now. Iain thought it was still january. This weeks TEXT contestants are Sophie,Beall,Lucie,Alice and Jon. Iain said that Edith can get in a nasty cat fight and told sophie not to argue with her. At 7:09 Edith once again took us into the control room. RI:SE showed us a clip the wako jako doco. Iain said te only reason he bought the T.A.T.U CD was because the two singers kissed. Why does Edith keep wearing them horrible red shoes? hasnt she got any others? At 7:22 Dougie was down at the pub talking to football fans. Understanly there was tension between the Westham fans and the Man U fans. Steve-o said he would never feed birds rice to make them explode. At 7:37 Iain asked the textcution contestants to perform party tricks. At 7:50 Iain and Edith interviwed Jodie. St 7:53 Rik the paper noy brang o Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2003 Read More
Richard said that he is not that scary. This weeks TEXT contestants are Joseph,Gemma,Graham,Alex and bobby. Iain said that last weeks contestants must be kicking them selves because they won a caravan and this week the contestants are winning a holiday. IAINS TOP FIVE 1. Liam Gallagher 2. Dennis + Holden 3. T.A.T.U 4. Fish Pain 5. Zeta Jones At 8:16 there was a full paper review with Iain,Edith,Rik,Bryan and Sara. .:CAPTION:. Picture of christian .A. standing with two tall men ""New cast for Addams familey tree"" Air Date : 10th-Feb-2003 Read More
At 7:02 Iain showed us a game called ""Larden V.S USA"" The textecution graphics have been updated. Joseph had to sleep in the RI:SE studio after he had the most number of votes from mondays show. Iain told Gemma can't say bum crack of tv. Dougie was playing ""blindefold date"" in the pub. Graham was the first TEXT contestant to go. At 8:15 there was a full paper review with Iain,Edith,Ben,Alexia and Rik. .:CAPTION:. Liam .G. Kicking a man out of a car ""Liam lerts one rip"" Air Date : 11th-Feb-2003 Read More
Today was the first day of the London Congestion charge and the show open with a pre-recored video showing the RI:SE studio and production offices with no one in them, and a banner down the bottom of the screen saying due to the congestion charge no one could make it to the studio. The new TEXT contestant are Lindsey,Roy,Daniella,Helen and Kieron. Iain said that this weeks contestants were good looking. Edith done her first entertainment report at the fish tank and not in the control room. Dougie was down on the road talking to people about the congestion charge. Iain told every one in the studio to give Zora a appluse because she is a very good news reader. At 7:59 Zora joined Iain and Edith to give us news about a boxer not fighting beacause of an upset stomach. .:CAPTION:. Picture of christian .A. bending over "" 2 cents and she sings"" Air Date : 17th-Feb-2003 Read More
Helen one of the TEXT contestants was not in the studio today because she was feeling sick. Kieron was the 1st TEXT contestants to go. The Entertainment report graphics have been updated Air Date : 18th-Feb-2003 Read More
Edith said that she use to fancy Rollie from Eastenders Air Date : 19th-Feb-2003 Read More
From todays show viewers can text in with any comment they like! Kate the coffee girl was in Mindys studio in L.A to give her a RI:SE mug and also to tell her that she will be at the grammeys. Iain told us that he needed to burp. Iain said that Rik the paper boy is not allowed with in 100 YARDS of Edith because of the court order that was put on him. Dougie was in the local CD shop getting people views on who should win at tonight Brit Awards. Harvey told us that he can not be botherd to go to the Brtis tonight because his watching the football. Iain said that Zora was in tears this morning because no one text's her with notes of love so he ask every one to phone up and leave there number. The TEXT contestants had to model clothes they bought. Daniella was the next TEXT contestant to go. Iain said that in the break Edith could not stop talking. Air Date : 20th-Feb-2003 Read More
After a load of e-mails and 2 phone calls from production I was standing outside Charing Cross station waiting for a car to pick me up and bring me to the RI:SE studios. At 6:20 it arrived and a very nice car it was too! The car dropped me and my friend off in the car park of whitely shopping centre, we then followed the signs up to the studio where Sara one of the production team greeted us and showed us where to sign in. As we were waiting to be told where to go we were asked to wait in reception as was a very tired Dougie!! He spent a few minutes talking to the textecution contestants and then went off down the corridor. At about 6:40 we were taken in to a room were we got to have breakfast and read the daily papers, and then we had a practice on clapping. At 6:50 we were taken in to the studio and told where to sit, me and my mate got to sit around the big table near the video wall, Edith and Iain was already sitting in their chairs and started talking to members of the audience. Air Date : 28th-Feb-2003 Read More
Iain and Edith was asking viewers to text in there worst thing that had happen to them while they were driving. This week's TEXTECUTION contestants are Julia .B.,John,Stacey,Adam and Julia .R. Stacey said that she is so happy that Jade is on the show because shes just like her. Iain said that if you cover adams mouth up he looks likes Tom crusie. Edith was pleased that T.A.T.U are no longer number 1 in the UK music charts. Jade took the RI:SE driving test if she passed RI:SE would give 500 pounds to Comic Relief if she dont they wont. At 7:24 Dougie gave us hes sport report hmmmmmmmmm i can pick other person who would be very good doing this slot. HELLS BELLS At 7:28 Edith told us what was coming up on todays show. Jade was very lively dueing the show. Katie was at the video wall picking out voices that rob should perform. The 8:15 paper review was done at the sofa insted of the coffee bar. Iain said that Graham Norton is a 2 faced man. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-2003 Read More
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