Mon Colle Knights - Season : 1 Episode 8

Season 1 Episode 8 - The Giant and the Steed

A. The Mon Colle Knights believe that Forester the Forest Giant has a monster item. So Professor Hiragi finds out. Can the Mon Colle Knights help Forester fight Prince Eccentro and his Behemoth? B. Mondo enter in a race at Sky City on a young Pegasus against Prince Eccentro and his Griffen. But what happens when the Pegasus matures into an adult? Air Date : 28th-Feb-2000

Mon Colle Knights - Season : 1

Season 1 Episode 1 - Just Another Mon-Day

PART 1: Mondo and Rockna had their first adventure in Mon World, along with Professor Hiragi. Mondo and Rockna were titled Mon Colle Knights. Meanwhile, Prince Eccentro plotted his Mon World trip with Gluko and Batch. In Mon World, the Knights learnt to merge with monsters with the phrase 'with us you can do it'. Eccentro controlled Chimera with Teddyurnaut, but the Knights defeated them with Squirt Fish. The Knights found their first monster item, the Ruby Ring. PART 2: Utopia Eagle entered Water realm. Mondo found Lei Lei, and helped find Lei Lei's to look for Seechee(?). Gluko found Seechee(?), and Eccentro wanted it. Seechee(?) escaped, and Rockna found it. Eccentro found Bisonator, and the Knights found Fog Dragon. Fog Dragon used fog to lure Bisonator to fall off from cliff. Rockna said goodbye to Seechee(?), but it insisted to follow Rockna. Many Seechee(?) poped out of Lei Lei's clothes. The rescued Seechee(?), now named Lovestar, followed the Knights. Air Date : 10th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 2 - Send In the Frogs

The Mon Colle Knights head for the Water Realm to find a monster item that may be in the possession of some Fish Men. Eccentro attacks the Fish Men with a group of Gill Men. The knights need a monster to help them battle, and the only monster to battle with is a Toad Warrior. Unfortunately, Rockna has a fear of frogs... Air Date : 17th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 3 - Ms. Loon's Big Adventure

Mondo and Rockna's teacher, Ms. Loon, accidentally goes to Mon World with the knights. Teddyurnaut is on the fritz and mistakes Ms. Loon for a monster and Eccentro thinks she has a monster item. Mondo and Rockna find a castle full of talking cats and Eccentro attacks the castle and Ms. Loon with the Sonic Condor. The Mon Colle Knights merge with a Flying Stego to fight the Condor, but they will need the help of the cats and Ms. Loon to defeat it. Air Date : 24th-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 4 - These Boots Were Made for Flyin' (1)

On the advice of the Storm Dragon, the knights go to the earth realm to find the Earth Dragon, who has the wind realm Monster Item. The knights and Eccentro fight each other to get the item, but Earth Dragon doesn't want to give up the item, a pair of winged boots. Beginner says that they should have a monster battle, and the winner gets to keep the boots. Beginner summons a stadium and the battle begins. Air Date : 31st-Jan-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 5 - The Dream Team (2)

As the monster battle continues, the Mon Colle Knights are doing well until Tanaka brings out his secreat weapon: the Earth Dragon himself! The knights have already used up most of their good monsters already, so can they win this fight? Air Date : 7th-Feb-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 8 - The Giant and the Steed

A. The Mon Colle Knights believe that Forester the Forest Giant has a monster item. So Professor Hiragi finds out. Can the Mon Colle Knights help Forester fight Prince Eccentro and his Behemoth? B. Mondo enter in a race at Sky City on a young Pegasus against Prince Eccentro and his Griffen. But what happens when the Pegasus matures into an adult? Air Date : 28th-Feb-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 9 - Lovestar Can Help Too

Professor Hiragi thinks that Lovestar is useless, so he throws her into the woods of the wind realm. Lovestar meets a cute monster called Airiphant. Meanwhile, Eccentro takes control of a male Night Hawk and has it try to steal the eggs of its mate. The knights combine with the female Night Hawk, but they can't defeat the male. Lovestar and Airiphant show up and Lovestar uses its special ability to infatuate the Night Hawk. Airiphant then blows Eccentro away and Hiragi realizes that Lovestar can help them. Air Date : 6th-Mar-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 10 - Pork Bellies and New Beginnings

The knights meet the Tree Elves in the wind realm and find that the Elves have had problems with the Pork Warriors. Eccentro has gained a lot of weight, so the Pork Warrior think that he is the great King Porky. Eccentro has the Pork Warrior attack the Tree Elves, but the knights combine with the Elves' king and defeat Eccentro. The knights then go to the fire realm and meet a monster summoner named Beginner. Beginner decides to help them out by summoning the Fire Giant, but she accidentally summons a Rex. The now-slim Eccentro takes control of Rex and attacks the knights, so they try to get to the Ogre Village. Beginner tries to summon a meteor to crush the Rex, but it accidentally hits the Ogre Village. Luckily, the Ogres attack the Rex, thinking that it summoned the meteor. Air Date : 13th-Mar-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 11 - To See Your Smile Again

The Knights tried to restore a girl's magical power by finding a thunder bug. Eccentro's scent attracted the bugs, and demanded an monster item from the girl. The Knights used bright light to attract thunder bug, and restored the girl's power. The girl joined forces with the Knight to fight against Eccentro. Air Date : 20th-Mar-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 12 - Beginner and the Snow Ram

Despite it being spring in the wind realm, a Snow Ram with insomnia covers the realm in snow. The knights re-unit with Beginner and, because Snow Ram is related to dragons, she decides to summon a dragon to fight the ram. Unfortunately, she summons a baby dragon that is no bigger than Lovestar. Eccentro takes control of the Snow Ram and attacks the knights. The dragon's father, the Storm Dragon, arrives to retreave his baby, but decides to help out the knights. With Beginner's help, the Storm Dragon defeats the Snow Ram. The knights ask Storm Dragon if he has a Monster Item, but Storm Dragon reveals that Earth Dragon may have one. It's off to the earth realm! Air Date : 27th-Mar-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 13 - Knockout Punch-Punch

The Mon Colle Knights re-unite with Leena, the girl who gave Rockna Lovestar, in the earth realm. Leena was travelling with her monkey monster, Punch-Punch, when she was kidnapped by the Slobilonians, but they let Leena go after they kidnapped Eccentro. The Slobilonians force Eccentro, Glukko, Batch, and Punch-Punch to clean their house, so Eccentro has Teddyurnaut use the Scitzo Beam to make the Slobilonians clean the house. The knights come to take back Punch-Punch, so Eccentro has the Slobilonians find him a monster to fight the knights. They come up with nothing but useless monsters, but a monster called Troll attacks the house. Eccentro takes it over, but Punch-Punch and Leena's dozens of other monkey pets are able to bring down the Troll. As the knights leave, Punch-Punch sneaks onto their ship and the Slobilonians force Hiragi to rebuild their house. Air Date : 3rd-Apr-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 14 - Oh Brother

Rockna has always wanted a little brother and she gets her wish when the knights find a little centaur in the earth realm. Eccentro hears that a centaur king called the King Of 100 Battles has lost a great treasure, so he thinks its a monster item. Mondo becomes ticked off because Rockna is treating the centaur as a little brother. Eccentro attacks the knight with the Nine-Headed Swamp Dragon, but the knights are able to merge with the King Of 100 Battles to defeat the dragon. When the knights ask the king about his lost treasure, he reveals that the treasure was his son, the centaur Mondo and Rockna found. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 15 - Fangs for the Knight-Mare

In the earth realm, the nights find Dopplefanger, a two-headed dog monster, guarding a grave. The grave was put up for Gabriolos, an angel that was banned from the upper kingdom and became a dark angel. Gabriolos attacks the knights, but Dopplefanger protects the knights. Gabriolos leaves and Eccentro attacks the knights with Rhino Rex. Dopplefanger is too injured to fight, but luckily, Rhino Rex is too stupid to attack and runs off. Gabriolos sees this and attacks again, but the knights combine with Dopplefanger and fight back, causing Gabriolos to leave again. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 17 - Eccentro in the Temple of Dumb

A Grimbat (a creature that causes bad luck) is the reason why Prince Eccentro hasn't been winning against the Mon Colle Knights, so he decides to drop it into the volcano in the Fire Realm despite Tanaka's warning that the Fire Realm is where the Grimbat's originate. After doing that, Prince Eccentro, Gluko, and Batch notice a temple and thinks that there's a Monster Item in it. The Mon Colle Knights find out about where Prince Eccentro is and head to the Fire Realm. The Grimbat that was thought to be disposed causes bad luck for Eccentro and co. causing them to end up in the temple's traps. The Mon Colle Knights enter the temple and notices the footsteps where Eccentro went, so they went the other way and discover a room with a box being guarded by a rock monster with lava flowing through it's body. When the rock monster attacks the Knights, Prince Eccentro makes off with the box. The Mon Colle Knights get help from the Water Sprite and defeat the monster (NOTE: The rock monster reani Air Date : 1st-May-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 19 - The Eel Thing

Rockna competes against a woman named Esmeralda and other chefs of Mon World in a cooking contest in the Water Realm. When Eccentro is unable to catch a fish for the meals, he drops out and attacks the stadium with an electric eel monster with Zap. The Mon Colle Knights fight the monster with a fire monster named Scorch and defeats Eccentro. Esmeralda turns the remains of Zap into an eel dish winning her the contest. Air Date : 15th-May-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 20 - Mirror Mirror, Off the Wall

The Mon Colle Knights rescue Kahimi from a group of Dobe Rats. Prince Eccentro finds a mirror thinking that it's a Monster Item and it transforms him into some character from a TV Show that Ms. Loon watches. He also uses it to keep Kahimi laughing, make Professor Hiragi a cleaning person, and something else to Rockna. When Eccentro sics a Sand Worm on the Knights, the mirror breaks and the Mon Colle Knights merge with Kahimi and and return the Sand Worm into the Dobe Rats that were turned into it via the mirror. The mirror was later revealed not to be a Monster Item. Meanwhile, Gabriolis defeats a giant and steals an orb which'll become a part of his plan to destroy the Mon Colle Knights. Air Date : 22nd-May-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 21 - Secret Orbs and Spices

Gabriolos and Luka find a monster item, the magical orb, and give a challenge to the Mon Colle Knights for them to get it. The challenge is that they must battle Forester, Flying Stego and Scorch who are under a spell to make them evil. The knights and Water Sprite to to stop them, but the knights don't want to hurt their friends. When all seems lost, Spectra Angel, an angel from the upper kingdom and Gabriolos' little sister, comes and breaks the spell. The knights celebrate the fact that they saved their friends, but Eccentro gets the last laugh because he gets the monster item. Air Date : 29th-May-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 22 - Something Snaky This Way Comes

Gluko discover a Forest Imp named Impy and decides to keep him. Also, the Mon Colle Knights and Prince Eccentro accedently free a giant winged snake monster named Viperess from his imprisonment and Prince Eccentro uses him to attack the Mon Colle Knights. Can the Mon Colle Knights defeat Prince Eccentro and Viperess with a nearby Emu? Air Date : 5th-Jun-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 23 - Try, Triathlon Again

Mondo and Eccentro compete in a triathlon contest for Sea Seed, a possible monster item. Air Date : 12th-Jun-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 24 - Expert's Beginning Knights

Beginner brings the Mon Colle Knights to a monster summoning school where they could learn to summon monsters to help them out. They find Lele delivering a bunch of Lemmings somewhere and also encounter Luke, a boy who's secretly in love with Beginner, and his sheep Lambda. Meanwhile, with Tanaka on vacation, Prince Eccentro takes control of a Horned Beetle to destroy the school and the cage where the Lemmings are held is in danger. The Mon Colle Knights merge with a Lemming to help the other Lemmings escape and defeat Prince Eccentro with the Horned Beetle (NOTE: Lemmings may be small, but they're very strong). Air Date : 19th-Jun-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 25 - Practice Makes Messes

The Mon Colle Knights are still learning how to summon monsters. Meanwhile, Tanaka gets back from his vacation early which is a surprise to Prince Eccentro. Luke still believes that Mondo is trying to love Beginner more than him. Prince Eccentro lies to Luke saying that Mondo's the bad guy and Luke decides to attack Mondo with a Dimetrodon monster called Basailosaurus. When Luke learns the truth, Prince Eccentro takes control of Basailosaurus and Mondo finally summon a monster to defeat it and that monster is the Storm Dragon. Air Date : 26th-Jun-2000  Read More

Season 1 Episode 31 - The Mon World Series

Luka, Gabriolis' sidekick, has the Baseball Giant compete against the Mon Colle Knights and Prince Eccentro in a game of baseball. The prize...a chest that might have a monster item in it. Air Date : 7th-Aug-2000  Read More

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