When newly elected MP Richard Dove runs over a young girl on a deserted forest road, he must decide to what lengths he will go to save his blossoming career.
David, an orderly at a hospital, tells his horrific story of being kidnapped and forced to play a vile game of survival.
The Driver is hired by the FBI to help defuse a hostage situation. A disgruntled employee has kidnapped a CEO and has hidden her, demanding $5,088,042. The Driver delivers the money, writing the sum on his hand as instructed by the hostage taker. After he is told that he holds the life of a person in his hand, he is ordered to burn the money. As he complies, the federal agents break in and attempt to subdue the man, who shoots himself in the head before he reveals where the woman is hidden. The Driver then tries to find the hostage before she drowns in the trunk of a sinking car. As a twist, the kidnapped woman is revealed to be the hostage taker's lover. She coldly taunts the dying man in the hospital.
Guillaume kills Horacio "because he was shouting too loud." At his trial, the vacuity of the motive disconcerts. During his 10-year-long stay in prison, Guillaume gradually forgets this story of a guy shouting too loud which convinces no one. When he gets out, someone starts shouting again.
Maggie's friends have planned a surprise birthday party (despite it being a month away). During the party, Maggie realizes there's more to it then that.
When members of Tiger Mafia attack a music festival and against orders begin to shoot civilians the protector spirit of Nyege Nyege Island is summoned to help.
Lourdes, a university student, is grateful to Bernard, the town drunk, when he comes to her aid in an uncomfortable situation. But when she offers to buy him a hot meal, she ends up getting involved in far more than she bargained for.
Finding an unfinished script written by Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese attempts to recreate it himself as Hitchcock would have.
A young woman Skyping with her long distance boyfriend late night realizes that an ancient evil presence may have been unleashed upon her.