Joseph Vilsmaier Two-part TV movie focuses on the tragic events surrounding the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, a German passenger ship, at the end of World War II. On 30 January 1945, Captain Hellmuth Kehding was in charge of the ship, evacuating wounded soldiers and civilians trapped by the Red Army. Soon after leaving the harbor of Danzig, it was hit by three torpedoes from the Soviet submarine and sank in less than an hour.
A series of rapes causes a stir in a German university town. A special commission led by senior public prosecutor Schildt and detective Gawilek investigates. After months of surveillance, everything points to a chaplain as the masked perpetrator, known as "Zorro". But the investigators were wrong, because "Zorro" strikes again when the chaplain is in custody. This time, charges were also filed. But not against "unknown", but against the son of the senior public prosecutor...
John Simm stars in this adaptation of Dostoyevsky's tragic masterpiece - a profound drama of redemption and a thrilling detective story of the soul.
A sequel to “Li’l Quinquin”. When a strange magma is found near Coincoin’s home town, the inhabitants suddenly start to behave strangely. Goofy detective Captain Van Der Weyden and his loyal assistant Carpentier set about investigating these alien attacks, discovering that an extra-terrestrial invasion has begun.
At the turn of the century on Prince Edward Island, Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla decide to take on an orphan boy as help for their farm. But they get an unexpected jolt when they're mistakenly sent a girl instead: Anne Shirley.
True crime story of a Wisconsin teacher's aide who hired teenaged students to murder her estranged husband.
Oliver has a happy childhood in the streets of Montmartre, Paris, in the 30's. Suddenly his mother dies. He is alone and helpless. He seeks comfort with the offbeat adults.