Author Terry Finch struggles to find an outlet that will stock or reprint his violent pulp crime series "The Reprisalizer"
French film crew follows around journalist Eddie Brock in the streets of New York.
An identity thief must weave his way out of an impossible situation at a small motel when he accidentally steals the identity of a murderer.
Through Lilly's eyes, the world is a dark but beautiful place, where she and her sister, Rosalyn, live happily in the heart of a deep forest. In reality, however, each day is a battle for Rosalyn, who has been forced to take up prostitution in order to provide for herself and her delusional sister and simply pay the rent for their inner-city, tenement apartment. An odd twist of fate brings an unlikely ally into their lives, in the form of a local drug addict. Together, they form a plot against a vicious crime boss; a plan that will either lead to their salvation or their doom.
In the early morning of 1911, Mona Lisa is found to be stolen from the Louvre museum. Museum officials look for Nick Winter help to dissolve the Mystery of the Century.
When the local District Attorney comes knocking, a Texan cop is forced to face a secret that he's been hiding from his wife in an effort to keep his family together.
Contra El Mar (Against The Sea) is a portrait of a young marriage struggling to find common ground amid hardship and uncertainty.
After one too many bad nights, a ring girl decides it's high time to get out from under the thumb of a local gangster, and burn every bridge she can on the way out.
Two men decide to rob the wrong people. One is in Miami the other one is in L.A. and they are both on the run. Will they survive?