This short little cartoon is based on the popular song by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson, first recorded in 1950 by Gene Autry as his followup to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
An enthusiastic young couple is astounded with modern technology's giant leaps in the fascinating field of electricity.
One of the First Cindy Sherman's super-8 film,"Doll Clothes" (officially, the film is "Untitled") has not been viewed since 1975, the year it was made. It comically crosses Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase with animated paper dolls in a sly, funny and clever precursor to the concerns that became signature elements in Sherman's remarkable body of photographic work.
To a percussive soundtrack, a succession of more complex animals forms and is consumed by their successors (all formed from beads). Finally, We reach man, who develops ever more sophisticated forms of war.
When two enthusiastic handymen become neighbors, they can't let clumsiness stop them from finishing all their new home projects.
A bumbling knitted dinosaur must completely unravel itself to save the love of its life.
A narrator relates the Japanese tale of two lovers who defy their families and society to be together. The tale ends happily, until something happens to make this tale truly Japanese in character.
In a dream Uncle Jack looks through a magic telescope owned by the ghost of a hermit and sees what life was like millions of years ago, including a battle between prehistoric monsters.
In a distant planetoid, an industrious but hapless old farmer strives to make his vegetables flourish, however, to no avail.
"The Pine's Branches" is the latest work in Murata Tomoyasu’s series “Sei toshi ni matsuwaru kioku no tabi (Journey through memories of life and death),” which he began following the Tohoku earthquake in 2011.