The film is about a young trumpeter Nicholas Shevchenko. He's a talented musician, who also writes his own music, attracting the attention of the world famous musician Eugene Gaisin, who tours the city.
On New Year's Day 1964, Jimmy Savile ushered in a revolution in television broadcasting - a weekly show devoted to the pop charts. In the first of an evening of programmes marking the 30th anniversary of Top of the Pops, Smashie and Nicey (Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse) pay tribute to this triumphant survivor from the days when the Beatles topped the chart with I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Three poptastic decades surrender their fab sounds, their hits and their haircuts, for our nostalgic enjoyment - from the Moptops to Take That, from the Stones to Madonna.
「HINATAZAKA46 Live Online,YES!with YOU!」is a concert by Hinatazaka46 that was live-streamed on 31st July 2021.
The AKB48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2008 (AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト100 2008) was held from January 21 to January 24, 2008 at Shibuya AX. Fans made their voices heard by voting for their favorite AKB48 original songs.