In the spring of 1984, a strange new comic book sat beside cash registers in select shops, too big to fit in the racks, and too weird to ignore. Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles presented a completely original breed of super hero. It was too bizarre, too crazy. It broke all the rules and should never have worked. Until it sold out. Again and again and again. For 30 years. Now, peek under the shell and see how this so-called "happy accident" defied every naysayer to become one of the most popular and beloved franchises in the world.
Blows the roof of Barbie’s “Dreamhouse,” revealing generations of people obsessed with the world’s most popular toy. At Barbie conventions and anti-Barbie demonstrations, from San Francisco’s gay pride parade to Croatia’s bunkers, Barbie fans, foes, fetishists – and Barbie’s creator Ruth Handler – reveal the history and fantasy behind the icon.
Doll hospitals, cabbage ‘births,’ a four-year legal battle over the origin of the idea and a billion-dollar toy brand that put the wheels of modern-day Black Friday shopping riots into motion. This is the unbelievable true story you never knew about the toy craze that started it all, the Cabbage Patch Kids.
The Beanie Bubble follows the unbelievable tale of America’s most fascinating phenomenon – Beanie Babies. Flashing back to the 90’s and early 2000’s, we take an in-depth look at how the era-defining zeitgeist came to be, the mysterious man behind the mania, and the lives that were forever changed in its wake. This is not simply a retelling, but rather an exploration of the American Dream and what makes all people susceptible to buying into a fantasy.
The Smurfs were created in 1958 by the Belgian comic author Peyo (Pierre Culliford, 1928-1992) and they are one of Belgium's most recognized exports. From Brussels to Los Angeles, via Dubai, a journey into the tiny world of the famous little blue people, from the story of the creation of the original comic to the account of their huge global commercial exploitation.
An analysis of the changes suffered by the sports press over the years. For a long time, sports journalists helped create legions of sports lovers who idolized athletes regardless of which shirt they wore. But today the media maintains an aggressive dialectic war in which the readers have ended up participating.
Cute and seemingly innocent toys are opening your home to the occult. Witchcraft may well have gained an inroad into your family.
Hawaii, May 1977. After the success of Star Wars, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg meet to find a new project to work on together, the former as producer, the latter as director. The story of how the charismatic archaeologist Indiana Jones was born and how his first adventure, released in 1981, triumphed at box offices around the world.
This documentary, produced by Paul Burnford, features how products are made in factories. It uses an example of a jack-in-the-box produced by Mattel.
Four puppets that can't leave their house because of quarantine, decide to make a short film, but they have no idea what to make it about.
Hot Wheels and Bobcat Studios are partnering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the most popular — and disruptive — toy in the world, Hot Wheels.