An essay/documentary film that meditates on the concept of life, living & surviving. It tries to raise the questions on how we live, why we live the way we do, or even whether we live or are just surviving. The first ever short film created by Tomáš Farkaš.
Five college students investigate a mysterious death from 20 years ago: Rafael Hiteshima, which was run over. Recording the process as a documentary, the group will find out some mysteries are better left unknown.
Stuffy amateur director Eddie Dolan decides to mount a show for the well-connected patrons of a posh country club. Eddie and his girlfriend, actress Ann Stallings, hope the production will launch their legitimate Broadway careers. But complications arise when Maxine Whitaker, daughter of a wealthy rival club owner, becomes romantically interested in charming Eddie.
Two force users battle in a university landscape. Inspired by a Mel Brooks joke in "Spaceballs" (1987).
The Protagonist is in a bit of distress and thinks he should leave for a while.
A group of party crazed high school students, deep in the drug scene, begin to learn about the negative side effects of using drugs when one after another they fall.