
David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough (8th May 1926) is a broadcaster and naturalist. His career as the respected face and voice of natural history programmes has endured for more than 50 years. He is best known for writing and presenting the nine "Life" series, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, which collectively form a comprehensive survey of all life on the planet. He is also a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. He is the younger brother of director, producer and actor Richard Attenborough. Born : 8th-May-1926

Movie Credits

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life

Darwin's great insight – that life has evolved over millions of years by natural selection – has been the cornerstone of all David Attenborough’s natural history series. In this documentary, he takes us on a deeply personal journey which reflects his own life and the way he came to understand Darwin’s theory.
Released : 1st-Feb-2009

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Survival Island

Standing almost alone in the great Southern Ocean, South Georgia island plays host to some of the largest concentrations of animals anywhere on Earth during the spring and summer months. This is the story of these vast animal cities, and of the order that lies beneath their seeming chaos.
Released : 1st-Jan-1996

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At Home with Badgers

A short documentary from Eric Ashby on the badgers leaving near his home.
Released : 22nd-Jul-1978

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A TV Dante

A TV Dante is an experimental mini-series directed by Tom Phillips and legendary filmmaker Peter Greenaway. It covers eight of the thirty-four cantos in Dante Alighieri's Inferno, part of his 14th century epic poem The Divine Comedy. The eight cantos of the film are not conventionally dramatised, rather they are illuminated with layered and juxtaposed imagery while the text is read entirely in "talking head" fashion, and punctuated with a kaleidoscopic blend of both newly shot and archival footage.
Released : 13th-Jun-1990

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Richard Batterham, Master Potter

A film about Richard Batterham – the last of Bernard Leach’s practicing apprentices.
Released : 1st-Jan-2017

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Satoyama I: Japan's Secret Watergarden

Japan is a country of steep mountains surrounding wide flat plains where people have lived for thousands of years. On the largest plain lies the country's largest freshwater lake, Lake Biwa, which is not at all far from Japan's ancient, capital city of Kyoto. The slopes that stretch down towards the lake have been terraced. Here rice seedlings need shallow water in which to grow, and the neat, meticulously constructed paddy fields provide just this. Some of them have been cultivated continuously for thousands of years. Alongside them stand patches of woodland where, for centuries, the people have found their fuel and their food. This is a land that has been touched by people, yet the people tread lightly upon it. It's a land that has been ruled for centuries by the demands of the rice, yet it's still dominated by the rhythmic cycle of the seasons. Here is a landscape that the Japanese people hold so close to their hearts that they have a special word for it: Satoyama.
Released : 7th-Jan-1999

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Hotel Armadillo

David Attenborough looks at the giant armadillo and examines how this seldom-seen animal provides scores of other creatures with the hotel and restaurant services they need to thrive in earth's biggest natural wetland - the Pantanal of Brazil.
Released : 7th-Apr-2017

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Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places

For the first time, and through the eyes of two special mountain lion families, the true nature of North America's big cat can finally be revealed. Set in Wyoming's spectacular Rocky Mountains, the dramatic story of two mothers struggling to raise their kittens is helping scientists rewrite our understanding of these elusive predators. This is mountain lions up-close, in-depth and more intimate than ever before.
Released : 24th-Jul-2014

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Puerto Rico: Island of Enchantment

David Attenborough tells the revealing story of this Caribbean island's exotic but vulnerable wildlife. A team of conservation champions are making it their mission to save the most precious species. We see how Puerto Rican parrots, manatees and turtles are now making a comeback.
Released : 20th-Mar-2017

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Chris Packham: 7.7 Billion People and Counting

Naturalist Chris Packham investigates the impact a growing human population is having on the planet, asking whether the earth can sustain predictions of ten billion people by 2050.
Released : 17th-Jan-2020

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Sperm Whales: Back from the Abyss

Wildlife film about sperm whales, revealing the secret lives led by these often misunderstood ocean giants. Scientists all over the world are now learning about the secret lives of sperm whales, the world's largest hunters that spawned the legendy of Moby Dick. Although Mellville painted them as fearsome beasts of the sea, they are actually shy creatures, and cameraman Rick Rosenthal needed patience and persistence to film them at close quarters. They turn out to be efficient hunters with a close family network involving sophisticated and vocal social lives.
Released : 6th-Oct-1996

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The Mating Game

David Attenborough narrates the charming and fascinating story of some real-life animal romantics. There are show-offs and singers, dancers and fighters, stories of undercover affairs and heartwarming devotion. These include a male polar bear that plays hard to get, a lemur whose odour bags him a mate and a lizard who is tender and faithful to the very end. It reveals that animals can be loving, complex, funny and inventive - it is all part of the mating game.
Released : 19th-Jul-2013

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Attenborough’s Journey

In honor of his 95th birthday, a look at Sir David Attenborough’s life and contributions to broadcasting and the natural world. Presented by BBC.
Released : 8th-May-2021

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Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster

Sir David Attenborough investigates the discovery of a lifetime: the giant skull of a prehistoric sea monster, known as a pliosaur – the Tyrannosaurus rex of the seas!
Released : 14th-Mar-2024

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Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough

220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters 3D, Sir David Attenborough the world’s leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane.
Released : 6th-May-2011

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Kea: The Smartest Parrot

Sir David Attenborough narrates a documentary about the Kea, the world's only alpine parrot. Playful and destructive, it attacks cars, starts landslides and terrorises New Zealand ski resorts but behind the bad behaviour there's a sharp mind at work. David tries to play chess with a kea and discovers how its cheeky character is the key to its survival.
Released : 17th-Jan-2005

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The Private Life of Plants

David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. Each episode in this six-part series focuses on one of the critical stages through which every plant must pass if it is to survive:- travelling, growing, and flowering; struggling with one another; creating alliances with other organisms both plant and animal; and evolving complex ways of surviving in the earth's most ferociously hostile environments.
Released : 11th-Jan-1995

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Bowerbirds: The Art of Seduction

The male bowerbirds of Australia and New Guinea display an incredible artistic talent -- and all in the name of love! Collecting 'jewels' they set them in specially-built showcases and some even paint the walls with mashed berries. If all this isn't enough to woo potential mates, they also perform a most bizarre stiff-winged dance. But displaying darker emotions associated with sex, such as envy and jealousy, males will sometimes destroy a rival's construction and steal his jewels.
Released : 17th-Dec-2000

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The Song of the Earth

Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and wide variety of evidence from the animal kingdom -- including the humpback whale, the lyre bird, the siamang gibbon and the great reed warbler -- Sir David Attenborough seeks to prove that the origions of music lie in territory, emotion and sex.
Released : 1st-Jan-2000

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Attenborough the Controller

A completely fantastic programme, charting the time of our favorite presenter at the head of the then struggling and controversial BBC2. Packed chock full of interviews, clips and reminiscences both old and new, including the very tasty Joan Bakewell of the 60s. Sir David Attenborough's reign as controller of BBC TWO, from 1965 to 1973, is still thought of as the golden age of television. He was responsible for a number of programme strands that were, and many argue still remain, the high point of public service broadcasting. Match of the Day and Pot Black sat alongside comedy such as The Likely Lads and Not Only But Also. Horizon, Man Alive, One Pair of Eyes, Masterclass, The Forsyte Saga and The Money Programme set the standard for years to come. Sir Attenborough also commissioned series on a grand scale: Kenneth Clark's Civilisation and Jacob Bronowski's Ascent of Man remain two of the great creations of television.
Released : 1st-Jan-2002

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Attenborough's Ark

David Attenborough chooses his ten favorite animals that he would most like to save from extinction. From the weird to the wonderful, he picks fabulous and unusual creatures that he would like to put in his 'ark', including unexpected and little-known animals such as the olm, the solenodon and the quoll. He shows why they are so important and shares the ingenious work of biologists across the world who are helping to keep them alive.
Released : 9th-Nov-2012

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Attenborough's Big Birds

Meet the big birds, a feathered family who have never flown a day in their lives! From ostriches to kiwis, these bizarre birds appear to be nature's greatest novelty act. How they came to be and how they continue to survive is a fascinating tale that has long captivated Sir David Attenborough. It is a story of dedicated dads, enormous eggs and a serious need for speed. And far from being the court jesters of the animal world, these flightless curiosities once nearly ruled the land.
Released : 16th-Jun-2015

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Attenborough's Wonder of Song

Sir David Attenborough chooses his favourite recordings from the natural world that have revolutionised our understanding of song. Each one - from the song of the largest lemur to the song of the humpback whale to the song of the lyrebird - was recorded in his lifetime. When Sir David was born, the science of song had already been transformed by Charles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection: singing is dangerous as it reveals the singer’s location to predators, but it also offers the male a huge reward, the chance to attract a female and pass on genes to the next generation. Hence males sing and females don't.
Released : 3rd-Jan-2022

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Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard

Sir David Attenborough joins an archaeological dig uncovering Britain's biggest mammoth discovery in almost 20 years. In 2017, in a gravel quarry near Swindon, two amateur fossil hunters found an extraordinary cache of Ice Age mammoth remains and a stone hand-axe made by a Neanderthal.
Released : 30th-Dec-2021

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Leopard: The Agent of Darkness

In this documentary produced by the BBC, Sir David Attenborough leads us through an examination of the lives of two leopards living in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley.
Released : 10th-Dec-1997

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Humpback Whale: The Giant of the Oceans

Latest research shows the humpback whales’ song to be a weapon used in verbal exchanges between bulls fighting over females. These battles can sometimes turn physical, sometimes endangering mothers with vulnerable calves.
Released : 3rd-Dec-1997

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Cougars Undercover

This documentary follows the lives and hardships of several cougars (mountain lions) which have been under study by the Teton Cougar Project since 2000.
Released : 22nd-Nov-2015

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Islands of the Vampire Birds

The story of Darwin's finches and their relationship with other creatures of the Galapagos; tracing their evolution, how the islands were formed and how it's main inhabitants got there.
Released : 14th-Mar-1999

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Elsa the Lioness

First transmitted in 1961, David Attenborough travels to Meru National Park in Kenya to visit Joy and George Adamson and meet Elsa the lioness and her cubs shortly before Elsa's death.
Released : 3rd-Feb-1961

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Zoo Quest to West Africa

In September 1954, David Attenborough, cameraman Charles Lagus, Jack Lester and Alf Woods, both from the Zoological Society of London, set out for Sierra Leone. They spent three months intently surveying the landscapes of Sierra Leone in search of nature’s rarest animals. Although predominantly searching for Picathartes gymnocephalus (the White-necked Rockfowl) they hoped to take back to London a representative collection of the whole of animal life in this part of Africa.
Released : 17th-Aug-1955

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Killer Whales: Wolves of the Sea

Do they really launch themselves onto the shore to grab a hapless snack? See for yourself, and gain a vivid appreciation for their appetites and skills. While your jaw drops at their fearsome agility, you’ll also be learning about their migratory and other behaviours from scientists who observe them daily and strive to increase our understanding of their needs for survival. In this National Geographic ‘Wildlife Special’ you’ll journey around the globe to see their extraordinary hunting techniques in action.
Released : 10th-Mar-1993

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Attenborough and the Giant Egg

David Attenborough returns to the island of Madagascar on a very personal quest. In 1960 he visited the island to film one of his first ever wildlife series, Zoo Quest. Whilst he was there, he acquired a giant egg. It was the egg of an extinct bird known as the 'elephant bird' - the largest bird that ever lived. It has been one of his most treasured possessions ever since. Fifty years older, he now returns to the island to find out more about this amazing creature and to see how the island has changed. Could the elephant bird's fate provide lessons that may help protect Madagascar's remaining wildlife? Using Zoo Quest archive and specially shot location footage, this film follows David as he revisits scenes from his youth and meets people at the front line of wildlife protection. On his return, scientists at Oxford University are able to reveal for the first time how old David's egg actually is - and what that might tell us about the legendary elephant bird.
Released : 2nd-Mar-2011

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Gorillas Revisited with Sir David Attenborough

David Attenborough recounts his very personal experiences with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda. Ever since they were discovered over a century ago, these remarkable creatures have been threatened by loss of habitat, poaching, disease and political instability. But despite all odds their numbers have increased. David tells the extraordinary tale of how conservationists like Dian Fossey have battled to save the mountain gorilla from the brink of extinction.
Released : 14th-Apr-2006

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Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor: The Link

Explores the story behind the discovery of an early primate fossil, Darwinius masillae, nicknamed Ida, in a shale quarry in Germany. The fossil is believed to be around 47 million years old, and is extraordinarily well-preserved. Originally unearthed in 1983, Ida lay in the hands of a private collector for 20 years before it was shown to a Norwegian paleontologist, Dr Jørn Hurum. Realising that Ida could turn out to be a significant missing link between modern primates, lemurs and lower mammals, he persuaded the Natural History Museum in Oslo to purchase the fossil and assembled an international team of experts to study it. Their findings were announced in a press conference and the online publication of a scientific paper on 19 May 2009.
Released : 26th-Apr-2009

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A Blank on the Map

In his now well-known role of narrator of wildlife expeditions, Attenborough accompanies a government-sponsored trek into the central New Guinea highlands to make contact with a group of natives never before seen by Europeans.
Released : 29th-Dec-1971

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The Amber Time Machine

David Attenborough searches for the identities of preserved creatures inside a piece of Baltic amber that was given to him by his adoptive sister when he was twelve years old.
Released : 15th-Feb-2004

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The Deepest Breath

Bonded by their love of freediving, a record-setting champion and a heroic safety diver try to make history with a remarkable feat, ready to risk it all.
Released : 21st-Jan-2023

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Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough

David Attenborough brings to life, in unprecedented detail, the last days of the dinosaurs. Palaeontologist Robert DePalma has made an incredible discovery in a prehistoric graveyard: fossilised creatures, astonishingly well preserved, that could help change our understanding of the last days of the dinosaurs. Evidence from his site records the day when an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest devastated our planet and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Based on brand new evidence, witness the catastrophic events of that day play out minute by minute.
Released : 15th-Apr-2022

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The Penguin King

South Georgia - alone in a vast ocean. 900 miles from Antarctica, and a mere 100 miles long. A wild rugged landscape with mountain ranges, vast glaciers, windblown plains half buried beneath snow and ice. Three years ago, the Penguin King left home. Now he is returning to the place where he was born and raised: Penguin City. One of the most densely-packed, sought-after pieces of real estate in the entire southern hemisphere and somehow he must establish his own place in it. He must find a mate.
Released : 23rd-Oct-2012

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Parkinson at 50

Sir Michael Parkinson looks back over his 50 years as a broadcaster, revealing some tricks of the interview trade and remembering some of his favourite encounters.
Released : 28th-Aug-2021

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Attenborough's Journey

Following David Attenborough as he travels the globe to film his series, David Attenborough's First Life, in which he explores the very origins of life on Earth. David journeys to the parts of the world which have had special meaning to him during his 50 years of broadcasting. Beginning near his boyhood Leicestershire home, where he first collected fossils, he then travels to Morocco's arid deserts, the glaciers of Canada and crystal clear waters of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. As a prelude to the First Life series, Attenborough's Journey provides a unique insight into the mind and character of one of the world's most iconic broadcasters as he shares his passions for the natural world. Combining his global journey for First Life and archive material looking back at his illustrious career both as a programme maker and a controller of the BBC, the film reveals what makes him tick.
Released : 23rd-Oct-2010

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Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild

Over three very personal films, Sir David Attenborough looks back at the unparalleled changes in natural history that he has witnessed during his 60-year career.
Released : 16th-Nov-2012

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Great Natural Wonders of the World

David Attenborough sets out on a journey across the seven continents in search of the most impressive and inspiring natural wonders of our planet.
Released : 1st-Jan-2002

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The Many Lives of Richard Attenborough

Two-part Arena special celebrating the life and distinguished career of one of Britain's best-loved public figures. Lord Attenborough's film CV as actor stretches from Brighton Rock to Jurassic Park, while as director he has been responsible for Oh! What a Lovely War, Shadowlands and Gandhi. He has also been integral to the work of many charities, while his support for minority groups has led to the building of a Centre for Disability and the Arts. Part one examines his early career and follows Attenborough as he visits his childhood home, travels to Brighton and Hove, and reminisces with brothers John and Sir David. Part two explores his other lives as chancellor of Sussex University and vice-president of Chelsea FC, and examines the political commitment behind films such as Cry Freedom and 10 Rillington Place.
Released : 24th-Aug-2003

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Jaguars: Brazil's Super Cats

Released : 14th-Sep-2016

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Attenborough at 90

In celebration of his ninetieth birthday, Sir David Attenborough shares extraordinary highlights of his life and career with broadcaster Kirsty Young, including the inspiring people he has met, the extraordinary journeys he has made and the remarkable animal encounters he has had across the globe. Joined by colleagues and friends, including Michael Palin and Chris Packham, Sir David shares some of the unforgettable moments from his unparalleled career, from capturing unique animal behaviour for the first time to the fast-paced advances in wildlife filming technology, as well as stories of the wonder and fragility of the natural world - stories that Sir David has spent his life exploring and championing.
Released : 8th-May-2016

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Robbie the Reindeer: Legend of the Lost Tribe

Follow Robbie as he sets out to discover a mythical tribe of lost Viking warriors to help him save his friends from another dastardly plot by the evil Blitzen and his new-found partner-in-crime The White Rabbit. Robbie is having girl trouble too - Donner is feeling neglected and decides to give Robbie an ultimatum. Can Robbie save the day, keep his girl and unravel the mystery of the Legend of the Lost Tribe?
Released : 13th-Dec-2002

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Trek - Spy on the Wildebeest

Each year over 1.2 million wildebeest travel across the vast Serengeti plains and Kenya's Masai Mara on a 1,800 kilometer circular journey, relentlessly followed by every big African predator. Revolutionary spy cams - airborne, swimming or disguised as rocks, skulls or dung - reveal the Great Wildebeest Migration from entirely new perspectives. This 2-part series focuses on the growing-up of a calf as he takes his first steps, faces his first deadly perils and tries to cross crocodile-infested rivers. It combines natural humor with exciting drama and gripping music.
Released : 13th-Jan-2007

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David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive

Regular opening times do not apply as we accompany Sir David Attenborough on an after-hours journey around London’s Natural History Museum, one of his favourite haunts. The museum's various exhibits come to life, including dinosaurs, reptiles and creatures from the ice age.
Released : 1st-Jan-2014

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Snow Leopard: Beyond the Myth

BBC The Natural World. In 2004, a team from the Planet Earth series captured the first ever film of a wild snow leopard in the mountains of Pakistan. For Nisar Malik, who led the expedition, these images sparked a passion that compelled him to return. With cameraman Mark Smith, he spent two years documenting the snow leopard's daily life, finally lifting the veil on the most elusive of all cats.
Released : 4th-Jan-2008

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TV Credits

This Morning

Self - This Morning features a variety of news, as well as show business, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, home and garden, food, tech, live phone-ins, and competitions.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1988

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The One Show

Self - Guest - A topical magazine-style daily television programme broadcast live on BBC One.
Released : 14th-Aug-2006

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Life in Cold Blood

Self - Narrator (voice) - David Attenborough reveals the surprising truth about the cold-blooded lives of reptiles and amphibians. These animals are as dramatic, as colourful and as tender as any other animals.
Released : 4th-Feb-2008

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Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

Self - Guest - Jonathan Ross's take on current topics of conversation, guest interviews and live music from both a guest music group and the house band.
Released : 2nd-Nov-2001

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- Horizon tells amazing science stories, unravels mysteries and reveals worlds you've never seen before.
Released : 4th-Feb-1964

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The Terry and Gaby Show

- The Terry and Gaby Show was a daytime television show broadcast on Five on weekday mornings between June 2003 and April 2004, produced by Chris Evans' company UMTV. It was hosted by Terry Wogan and Gaby Roslin. The opening titles featured Gaby dressed up like a movie star driven to the studio in a limo and walking on red carpet to the door. Meanwhile Terry, carrying a briefcase, rode a rickety old bicycle across London and parked it outside the back door before quietly entering the building through said back door. The show was not well known for the guests who appeared on it, but rather for its many bloopers or double entendres
Released : 2nd-Jun-2003

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First Life

Self - Presenter - Sir David Attenborough goes back in time to the roots of the tree of life, in search of the very first animals, telling their story with stunning photography, state of the art visual effects and the captivating charm of the world’s favorite naturalist.
Released : 5th-Nov-2010

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Attenborough's Life in Colour

Self - Presenter - Exploring the vital role colour plays in the daily lives of many species.
Released : 28th-Feb-2021

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Life in the Undergrowth

Self - David Attenborough reveals the amazing stories behind the tiny lives of invertebrates, exploring their incredible miniature world with ground-breaking camerawork and technology.
Released : 23rd-Nov-2005

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Wildlife Specials

- The BBC Wildlife Specials are a series of nature documentary programmes commissioned by BBC Television. The Wildlife Specials began with a pilot episode in 1995. 20 programmes have been made to date, with three of the recent ones being in multi parts. The earlier programmes were produced in-house by the BBC's specialist Natural History Unit, but the more recent Spy in the... titles were made by the independent John Downer Productions. The first 18 programmes, up to 2008, were narrated by David Attenborough. The most recent two were narrated by David Tennant. "The world's leading natural history filmmakers meet the world's most charismatic animals" — BBC tagline
Released : 14th-Apr-1995

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The Living Planet

Self - David Attenborough examines the ways in which animals and plants adapt to their surroundings.
Released : 19th-Jan-1984

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Zoo Quest

- Documentary series starring David Attenborough who follows zoo keepers on a quest to find different animals to be added to the zoo. David Attenborough and a team from London Zoo travel in search of exotic animals. Their aim is to capture them and bring them back to the UK for exhibit in the zoo.
Released : 21st-Dec-1954

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State of the Planet

Self - Presenter - David Attenborough examines the ecological and conservation crises that threaten the world
Released : 15th-Nov-2000

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Trials of Life

Self - Narrator (voice) - Each of the twelve 50-minute episodes features a different aspect of the journey through life, from birth to adulthood and continuation of the species through reproduction.
Released : 4th-Oct-1990

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The Life of Birds

Self - Narrator (voice) - In the documentary series produced by the BBC, The Life of Birds, Sir David Attenborough unveils a new investigation into the behaviour of birds, perfectly adapted animals that conquer the air. This ten-part series reveals the secret of the birds' great success, their remarkable strategies for finding food, their complex social systems, and their ingenious and often bizarre ways of mating and breeding. From the high speed of large airborne hunters to long distance migrations or the bright colors of nectar feeding hummingbirds, this is the ultimate bird series that every ornithologist should not miss.
Released : 21st-Oct-1998

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The Life of Mammals

Self - Presenter - David Attenborough presents a nature documentary series looking at why mammals are the most successful creatures on the planet.
Released : 20th-Nov-2002

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Life in the Freezer

Self - Presenter - Sir David Attenborough looks at the natural history of the Antarctic continent
Released : 18th-Nov-1993

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The Blue Planet

Self - Narrator (voice) - Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.
Released : 12th-Sep-2001

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The Alan Titchmarsh Show

Self - The Alan Titchmarsh Show is a British daytime chat show presented by Alan Titchmarsh. It was first broadcast on ITV on 3 September 2007 and currently airs on weekday afternoons. The show's main focus is the "Best of British" theme with many of the shows' segments focusing on fashion, health, nature, cookery and animals.
Released : 3rd-Sep-2007

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Life on Earth

Self - Presenter - The story of life, from the first primitive cells to the plants and animals that now live around us.
Released : 16th-Jan-1979

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Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives

Presenter - Narrator - David Attenborough presents a series on fossils and palaeontology.
Released : 23rd-Apr-1989

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Natural World

Presenter - Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.
Released : 30th-Oct-1983

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Nature's Great Events

Self - Presenter - Documentary series looking at the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on our planet, showing how life responds to natural events which can dramatically transform entire landscapes.
Released : 11th-Feb-2009

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The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet

Self - Narrator (voice) - Aims to discover, celebrate and scale innovative solutions to the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet.
Released : 3rd-Oct-2021

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The Tribal Eye

- David Attenborough explains the enormous growth of interest in tribal art, and explores the emotions which lie behind the masks and decorations of primitive people.
Released : 27th-May-1975

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The First Eden

Presenter - Narrator - David Attenborough presents the history and natural history of the Mediterranean lands.
Released : 8th-Mar-1987

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The Miracle of Bali

- The Miracle of Bali is a BBC series of cultural documentaries narrated by David Attenborough and first shown in 1969. The series comprises three programs about the culture of Bali. The complete series is available as a special feature on the DVD release of David Attenborough's 1975 series The Tribal Eye.
Released : 10th-Jun-1969

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The People of Paradise

- A six-part documentary film series exhibiting the people and geography of Oceania; particularly, of Fiji and Tonga.
Released : 21st-Apr-1960

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Are We Changing Planet Earth?

- David Attenborough explores just how far climate change is altering our planet.
Released : 24th-May-2006

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Self - Narrator (voice) - David Attenborough looks at the extraordinary ends to which animals and plants go in order to survive. Featuring epic spectacles, amazing TV firsts and examples of new wildlife behaviour.
Released : 11th-Oct-2009

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Natural World

Narrator (voice) - Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.
Released : 30th-Oct-1983

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The Jonathan Ross Show

Self - The Jonathan Ross Show is a British chat show presented by Jonathan Ross. It was first broadcast on ITV on 3 September 2011 and currently airs on Saturday evenings following the conclusion of Ross' BBC One chat show, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, in July 2010.
Released : 3rd-Sep-2011

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Eastward With Attenborough

Released : 11th-Oct-1973

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Tiger: Spy In The Jungle

- David Attenborough narrates the lives of four growing tiger cubs using footage collected by hidden-camera-carrying elephants. Over two years, the elephants help capture the most intimate portrayal of tigers ever filmed.
Released : 30th-Mar-2008

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Self - Presenter - Over 80 per cent of Madagascar's animals and plants are found nowhere else on Earth. Discover what made Madagascar so different from the rest of the world, and how evolution ran wild here.
Released : 9th-Feb-2011

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Self - Narrator (voice) - Africa, the world's wildest continent. David Attenborough takes us on an awe-inspiring journey through one of the most diverse places in the world. We visit deserts, savannas, and jungles and meet up with some of Africa's amazing wildlife.
Released : 2nd-Jan-2013

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David Attenborough's Rise of Animals: Triumph of the Vertebrates

Self - Presenter - David Attenborough embarks on a remarkable 500 million-year journey revealing the extraordinary group of animals that dominate our world, and how their evolution defines our human bodies.
Released : 20th-Sep-2013

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All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

Self - We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.
Released : 23rd-May-2011

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David Attenborough's Global Adventure

Self - From the deep oceans in a state-of-the-art submarine on the Great Barrier Reef, to the ancient rainforests of Borneo, David Attenborough embarks on a unique natural history adventure across the globe and through time.
Released : 29th-Aug-2021

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Natural World

Narrator - Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.
Released : 30th-Oct-1983

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Narrator - PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.
Released : 3rd-Mar-1974

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Narrator (voice) - Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.
Released : 10th-Oct-1982

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Life Story

Self - Presenter - The remarkable and often perilous story of the journey through life. It is a story that unites each of us with every animal on the planet, because we all set out on this journey from the moment we are born. For animals there is just one goal in life – to continue their bloodline in the form of offspring. This series follows that journey through its six crucial stages: first steps, growing up, finding a home, gaining power, winning a mate and succeeding as a parent.
Released : 23rd-Oct-2014

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David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities

Self - Presenter - Sir David shines the spotlight on some of nature’s evolutionary anomalies and reveals how these curious animals continue to baffle and fascinate.
Released : 29th-Jan-2013

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Planet Earth

Self - Narrator - David Attenborough celebrates the amazing variety of the natural world in this epic documentary series, filmed over four years across 64 different countries.
Released : 5th-Mar-2006

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Frozen Planet

Self - Narrator - David Attenborough travels to the end of the earth, taking viewers on an extraordinary journey across the polar regions of our planet.
Released : 26th-Oct-2011

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The Mating Game

Self - Presenter - The struggles and successes of a wide variety of animals as they take on one of life's most vital challenges: finding a partner.
Released : 3rd-Oct-2021

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The Hunt

Self - Narrator (voice) - This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the blood and guts’ of predation, the series looks in unprecedented detail at the strategies predators use to catch their food and prey use to escape death. Sir David Attenborough narrates.
Released : 1st-Nov-2015

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David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies

Self - Presenter - Evolutionary story of flight from the very first insects to the incredible array of creatures which rule the skies today.
Released : 3rd-Jan-2015

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Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World

Self - This revealing series follows environmental activist Greta Thunberg as she seeks to raise awareness of the accelerating climate change and spread her message, that we must act to drastically reduce our carbon emissions.
Released : 12th-Apr-2021

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