
Margaret Joslin

Born : 5th-Aug-1883

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Alkali Ike's Auto

Alkali Ike and Mustang Pete are both wooing the same woman. Ike hopes to take her for a horseback ride, but she chooses instead to go with Pete, who has a horse and carriage. Ike trades his horses for an automobile, hoping to win her over that way, but things do not work out as planned.
Released : 19th-May-1911

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When Slippery Slim Went for the Eggs

When eggs went up to $6 a dozen, Slim and Sophie try in every way to make their hen lay, but with no success. Mustang sees their efforts and decides to play a joke. One morning Slim receives a letter telling him that giving hens hot water to drink and putting salt on their tails will make them lay.
Released : 14th-Jan-1915

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Slim the Brave and Sophie the Fair

Slim calls on Sophie, but has no more than gotten comfortably settled when Mustang arrives and is given all the attention. Very shortly Hiram, Sophie's father, comes downstairs and kicks Mustang out. Mustang returns with a note telling Sophie to meet him next day when the stage coach arrives and they will run away.
Released : 11th-Feb-1915

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Sophie's Home-Coming

Slim receives a note from Sophie telling him that she will arrive on the five o'clock stagecoach the next morning, and for him to set his alarm clock so he will be sure to meet her. Mustang reads the note, and after Slim has gone to bed, substitutes another clock in Slim's room.
Released : 4th-Feb-1915

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Sophie's Sweetheart

Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete are suitors for the hand of Sophie Clutts, but she cares nothing for either of them.
Released : 10th-Dec-1914

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The Battle of Snakeville

The proprietor of the O.K. hotel is advertising for a "lady" cook. Meanwhile, a Chinaman is stealing all his trade. Sophie arrives in Snakeville and applies for the position. The proprietor engages her without a moment's hesitation.
Released : 7th-Jan-1915

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Snakeville's Blind Pig

Snakeville's men are forced to stay home and do the housework when the women decide to take over the town.
Released : 17th-Dec-1914

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Slippery Slim Gets Square

Pete decides to steal Slim's clothes, when he chooses to bathe in the creek before going to a dance with Sophie.
Released : 24th-Dec-1914

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Snakeville's Rising Sons

Mustang and Slim are on very friendly terms. The same may be said of their wives, and when Slim's wife warns him that it is Friday the 13th and beware of friendship, he scorns her.
Released : 31st-Dec-1914

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Sentimental Sophie

Slim and Mustang are rivals for the affections of Sophie, the cook at the O.K. Hotel.
Released : 21st-Jan-1915

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When Slippery Slim Bought the Cheese

Slippery Slim purchases a large piece of Limburger cheese. On the way home he stops to chat with Sophie, but Hiram, her father, chases him off the premises.
Released : 28th-Jan-1915

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The Bad Man's Christmas Gift

Andy Carson, puncher on the Lazy X ranch, is in love with Gladys, daughter of Col. Pierce, the ranch owner. Gladys likes the young puncher, but when Jack Brinsley, a young Eastern friend of her father, comes to spend Christmas at the ranch, she speedily transfers her affection to the Easterner.
Released : 24th-Dec-1910

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Hubby's Scheme

The boys want Simp to take a trip with them, but he fears his wife's objections. These, however, are circumvented, when a doctor, who is to be one of the party, pronounces Simp an invalid and argues that he must have a change of climate. Arrived at the resort, Simp has a great time until the clerk gets the letters mixed. Wifey soon scents something wrong
Released : 14th-Nov-1911

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Widow Jenkins' Admirers

When Widow Jenkins publishes the news that she has been left a valuable estate and other properties, including a grocery store, all the eligible men of the neighborhood seek to win her hand. The most persistent of her admirers is Alkali Ike, who absolutely refuses to remove himself from her immediate vicinity and guards her so well that none of the other suitors are given a fair opportunity to propose.
Released : 23rd-Jan-1912

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Alkali Ike's Love Affair

Alkali Ike is in love with the daughter of Ranchman Brown, who is very much opposed to the match. Alkali, to prove that he is brave solicits the help of two of his cronies, who are to disguise as hold-up men and waylay Ranchman Brown. The hold-up occurs, but when Alkali pulls the masks off the highwaymen he finds they are not his friends, but two of the most desperate bad men of the country.
Released : 6th-Feb-1912

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The Two Reformations

Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.
Released : 28th-Jan-1911

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A Ranch Widower's Daughters

Old Perkins, a ranchman, has a bevy of pretty daughters, ranging in age from five years up to twenty. Perkins will not permit any love making between the girls and the cowboys, the most ardent of whom is "Alkali" Ike. "Alkali" likes Jennie, and the other boys each have their individual sweetheart.
Released : 12th-Mar-1912

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The Puncher's New Love

Harvey Barton, a young cowboy, is happily in love with Kate Bowers, a pretty western girl. One day he calls at her home, shows her a handbill advertising a barn dance to be held at one of the nearby ranches, and asks her to go with him. On his way back to the ranch he comes upon a beautiful young woman, whose horse has met with an accident and Harvey dismounts and bashfully asks her if he can be of any assistance. She accepts his help and invites him to accompany her home. She is inclined to flirt and easily turns the foolish young cowpuncher's head, and the meeting ends with him inviting her to accompany him to the dance.
Released : 13th-May-1911

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The Corporation and the Ranch Girl

Upon the death of her father, Ann Newton is made the heiress of an extensive and valuable ranch in Arizona, when she is visited by the officials of the S.W. Railroad Company, who, seeking to extend the tracks of their company, find it necessary to buy a portion of the ranch. Ann refuses to part with the ranch at any price
Released : 8th-Jul-1911

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Alkali Ike's Pants

Coyote Simpson and "Alkali" Ike both love the buxom Sophie, pride of Buckskin, Ariz. Coyote has a long curling mustache that is his one pride and joy, but Sophie objects to it when he kisses her and orders him to trim it down.
Released : 21st-Sep-1912

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Alkali Ike's Boarding House

Bridget, the cook on the Hard-Up Ranch, is some eat specialist on everything but soup. This, the boys declare, is bad, and select "Alkali" as the martyr to so inform her. "Alkali" does the test he can, but is bombarded out of the kitchen by the irate Bridget, who proceeds to drive the boys to the shelter of the hayloft for protection.
Released : 23rd-Apr-1912

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Spike Shannon's Last Fight

'Spike' Shannon, a pugilist by occupation, signs to fight a 10-round bout, with another young knight of the ring. A contract is drawn and 'Spike' and his backers leave the office of the promoter. On the street they encounter a young couple, evidently at outs, but which proves later, upon the girl's explanation, to be a flirtation, in which she has no desire to take part. The masher has insolently insulted her. 'Spike' takes in the situation at once and with his strong right arm knocks the dude sprawling.
Released : 26th-Aug-1911

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A Western Girl's Sacrifice

Young Harry Farman and Eloise Wendell are engaged to be married. Harry is a wealthy young fellow and Eloise is a society girl, and both find pleasure in their clubs and other such luxuries that the city affords the fashionable, wealthy set. Eloise, who has rode a hobby of philanthropy is engaged with her club and other clubs, who are holding a tag day, the funds to go to the children of the poor. Eloise, with another friend, invades a saloon in a fashionable hotel, and are invited to have a drink by two men seated at a table. Eloise, in fun, lifts the glass to her lips when Farman enters. The match is broken off and the next day Farman, with a friend, goes west.
Released : 2nd-Sep-1911

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Town Hall, Tonight

Two wandering thespians, whose one lone trunk bears the legend "Schulz Brothers, in Vaudeville," are hitting the grit back to New York. They are sore and tired when they reach "Snakeville." They decide to stop overnight, and if fortune favors them to give a performance and gets enough money to ride back to Broadway. Thereat they bill the town and make ready for the performance at the Town Hall that evening. Their efforts to please the critical Snakeville audience are futile and before they have rendered their first selection the audience bowls them off the stage and all leave. Furthermore the management in the box office has decamped to the "Red Eye" saloon with all the proceeds of the performance and they are in as bad a fix as before.
Released : 7th-Oct-1911

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Alkali Ike's Bride

Alkali is considered the ranch seamstress by the boys on Hard-Up, and consequently has to sew buttons on coats and do other sewing stunts that finally wear on his nerves and decide him on the matrimony thing. One day Alkali gets the town paper and sees a "Husband Wanted" ad. A widow with a small boy and loads of money, wants to hitch up with some nice western gentleman. This is pie tor Alkali, He instantly dispatches a letter to the widow to come to Snakeville, get off at his ranch and not to "fergit her dust."
Released : 7th-May-1912

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A Western Legacy

Walter Johnson, a young college chap in the east, receives word that he has been left a legacy of one million dollars by an eccentric uncle, providing he marries the old fellow's niece who lives in Mustang, Arizona.
Released : 21st-May-1912

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Alkali Ike Plays the Devil

Alkali Ike receives some good news one morning in the form of an invitation from the boys of a nearby town to attend a masquerade ball with his best girl. Much elated. Alkali calls on Sophie and she gladly agrees to go. Alkali now goes to the town postmistress, secures the address of a costume firm and writes for a costume. It arrives in the nature of a Mephisto garb, horns, tail and all.
Released : 27th-Aug-1912

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Alkali Ike's Motorcycle

One night all the boys of the Seven Up Ranch are invited to the house to meet Bud Simpson's niece from Lizardhead. After hours of brushing up his dusty best clothes, Alkali Ike finally rigs himself out and, with a freshly washed rubber collar roped about his neck, chases into the ranch house where he finds the lovely Sophie seated at the organ, surrounded by the boys, who are industriously screeching their heads off in an endeavor to sing. Alkali Ike vainly attempts to elbow his way through and get a sight of the fair Sophie, but in vain, and is finally thrown out of the house by the boys. But his wooing is not in vain, and the next morning a motorcyclist arrives at the ranch and stops for a while. Alkali immediately sees possibilities in the machine, buys it outright, and invites Sophie to take a spin with him along the trail.
Released : 14th-Dec-1912

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Alkali Ike Stung!

This time Alkali Ike is dissatisfied with his boarding house and, when the buxom Sophie, a two-hundred-pound widow arrives in town, buys out Tony's place and nails up cards announcing that it will be opened on the following Tuesday as a first-class boarding house, Alkali is the first to see it, rushes back and begins to lay plans for switching at once.
Released : 8th-Oct-1912

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Alkali Ike's Misfortunes

Sofie Clutts, the belle of Lizardville, returns from her visit to the East, and the men clamor to see her. Alkali Ike is robbed of his suspenders, his hat and coat, so that three of the men could look presentable. Sofie tries to entertain her three suitors, one in the parlor, another in the dining room, and the last in the kitchen. Alkali Ike calls to see the fair Sofie, and is shoved by suitor number one from the parlor into the dining room, his next trip from the dining room into the kitchen, and the last trip, the one that hurt the most, was from the kitchen through the window into some shrubbery.
Released : 31st-May-1913

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Alkali Ike and the Hypnotist

Alkali Ike eludes his wife and attends a performance at the Snakeville Opera House, where Prof. Hippy is demonstrating his wonderful hypnotic art. Alkali Ike is finally persuaded to go up on the stage. The professor hypnotizes him. The clever and eccentric situation that derive from Alkali being hypnotized, are excruciatingly funny.
Released : 21st-Jun-1913

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Alkali Ike's Homecoming

During Alkali Ike's visit to the East, Slippery Slim made rapid progress for the hand of Soffie Clutts. On this particular day in February, Slippery Slim is very much dejected when he calls on Soffie and discovers that she is admiring several photographs of her old friend Alkali. To give him a better sailing. Slim shows Soffie a fictitious note
Released : 19th-Apr-1913

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Alkali Ike's Mother-in-Law

For some unknown reason or other, Alkali Ike cannot get along with his wife. To make matters worse, Mrs. Alkali invites her mother to visit her. Mother-in-law starts right in trying to reform her son-in-law. Alkali meets her at the railroad station, and instead of hiring a bus to carry up her baggage, she makes Alkali carry three or four hat boxes, a parrot, and a trunk, on his back to the house.
Released : 10th-May-1913

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Sophie's Hero

Alkali Ike dons a bearskin to chase away his rivals.
Released : 29th-Nov-1913

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The Last Laugh

Marguerite discovers a personal in the paper asking for information concerning Wallace Jones, and stating that he is heir to an immense fortune, which she shows to her mother. That morning, when a man applies to Mrs. Joslin for a room in her house and the landlady discovers his valise is marked "W. Jones," both she and her daughter insist on his taking one of their rooms, and make a great fuss over him. Mr. Jones is at a loss to understand their overwhelming attentions, but as Marguerite is extremely pretty, he accepts the fussing good-naturedly, as far as she is concerned.
Released : 12th-Nov-1913

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A Snakeville Courtship

Jeremiah Green receives a letter from his niece, stating that she is coming west, and is in the market for a husband. The news scatters fast throughout the western town, and when the fair Sophie arrives, her callers are numerous. One look at the three-hundred-pound debutante is enough to convince the men that they are not eligible for the marriage certificate, especially if Sophie is to be the bride.
Released : 27th-Dec-1913

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That Pair from Thespia

Shakespeare the Second and Dan Rice the Third, would-be ham actors, blow into the town of Barnstorm. That afternoon they give a "free" performance, which is indeed terrible. Dan Rice passes the hat, only to receive cat-calls for his trouble. The hotel proprietor orders them to pay their bill and leave town.
Released : 25th-Dec-1913

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Sophie's New Foreman

Alkali Ike, a cowpuncher, is given his walking papers for neglect of duty. He has little trouble, however, in securing a position on Sophie Clutts' ranch. His trial is a hard and tedious one, the gladiatoress standing over him with a powerful six-shooter, and every time he drops his work, a bullet from the aforementioned piece of artillery hastily reminds him of his necessary toil.
Released : 13th-Dec-1913

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Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley

Luke is a pickpocket, hiding out from the cops in a dive in the slum part of town. He later winds up in a boxing match which again brings the law on his tail.
Released : 15th-Apr-1917

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Luke's Speedy Club Life

Luke is a bellboy at a fancy club.
Released : 1st-Oct-1916

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Luke and the Mermaids

Lonesome Luke asleep in the briny deep.
Released : 18th-Sep-1916

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Luke Does the Midway

Lonesome Luke at the San Diego Exposition.
Released : 21st-Aug-1916

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Slippery Slim Gets Cured

Sophie tries curing Slim's drinking problem by forcing him to drink ammonia, but it doesn't work.
Released : 1st-Oct-1914

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When Slippery Slim Met the Champion

Slim is elected to try to last three rounds against the world's champion boxer in order to win $100.
Released : 8th-Oct-1914

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Snakeville's Peace-Maker

Mustang Pete receives a letter from his daughter, Sophie, who is away at boarding school, asking permission to bring some girls home with her to spend their vacation. Mustang flatly refuses. That afternoon he and Slippery Slim have a fight over a checker game, and to get "square" Slim advertises the fact that he will pay his ranch hands double the salary that Mustang will pay. As a result Slim gets all of Mustang's helpers. Mustang then writes to Sophie and tells her to bring home the girls if she cares to. The girls arrive the following day and Mustang has an abundance of help, all of Slim's helpers deserting him.
Released : 15th-Oct-1914

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Slippery Slim, The Mortgage and Sophie

Slippery Slim, the Justice of the Peace, serves a notice on Hiram Clutts, threatening to foreclose his mortgage unless Sophie marries him the next day. Hiram agrees that Sophie shall marry him as he demands. Sophie tells Mustang of this and they plan to elope that night. Mustang calls for her in his buggy, but they fail to make their escape unnoticed by Hiram. He chases them with a shotgun, but is unable to catch them before they reach Slim's office. They disguise themselves and Slim, not knowing who they are, performs the marriage ceremony.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1914

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Slippery Slim and the Impersonator

Slippery Slim, crossed in love, plots revenge with help from an unexpected quarter.
Released : 5th-Nov-1914

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Snakeville and the Corset Demonstrator

Sophie, who boasts the most perfect figure in the world, attracts the attention of every man in town when she arrives in Snakeville to demonstrate corsets.
Released : 29th-Oct-1914

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Sophie and the Man of Her Choice

Slippery Slim and Sophie are deeply in love. Slim incurs the enmity of Hiram Clutts, Sophie's father, and Mustang Pete. They swear vengeance. Mustang writes a note to Slim, signing Sophie's name, asking him to meet her in a cemetery. Slim finds a band of men waiting clad in sheets. He flees and asks Sophie to save him.
Released : 12th-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Sermon

Broncho Billy is a typical bad man. The story opens with him shooting up a small town in the west, and scaring the inhabitants nearly to death. The sheriff with his deputies order him out of the country. Sunday morning, the congregation is in church singing. Boardman, another bad man, and his protégés, break up the meeting. The preacher is ousted.
Released : 9th-May-1914

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Sophie Pulls a Good One

Sophie, a dentist, recognizes a patient as the bandit who previously robbed her during a stagecoach holdup.
Released : 4th-Jun-1914

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