
Edith Storey

Born : 17th-Mar-1892

Movie Credits

The Skull

Just as the bead clerk and his assistants are closing up the jewelry store for the day, a package containing a very costly necklace arrives by special messenger. The large safe deposit vault has been closed for the night and the time clock set. The head clerk is fearful to leave the necklace in the store and so decides to take it home. His actions have been closely watched by one of the junior clerks, with sinister and stealthy glances.
Released : 2nd-May-1913

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A Regiment of Two

Ira and his son-in-law Harry pretend to enlist in the 13th regiment where they have "drills" every Friday night. When the 13th is called to the front, the two take a fishing trip, only to learn that "their" regiment has been wiped out.
Released : 11th-Jun-1913

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Twelfth Night

When Viola and her twin brother Sebastian are shipwrecked and separated, Viola dresses in her brother's clothes and becomes a page in the palace of the Duke of Orsino. Thinking Viola is a boy, the Duke sends her with a message to Olivia, whom he loves. A series of complications begins when Olivia falls in love with the page 'boy'
Released : 4th-Feb-1910

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The Military Air-Scouts

The story takes place three years into the future. Events represented take place in 1914 when supposedly there is a war between the United European States and the United States of America. The hero is commissioned to fly over the enemy's fleet in a war aeroplane and destroy them. This he does by dropping bombs. He is then told to spy upon their land forces, but his aeroplane is brought to earth by a portable gun of the enemy that shoots directly into midair.
Released : 12th-Dec-1911

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The Victoria Cross

Ellen Carson volunteers to serve with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean war and witnesses the charge of the Light Brigade.
Released : 27th-Apr-1912

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The Telephone Girl

Marion, the telephone switch operator in a large factory, sticks to her post, notifying the different departments during the burning of the building. The fire department, of which Jack Watson, to whom Marion is engaged, is a member, received the alarm. Hastily the fire laddies get into their clothes and rush to the scene of conflagration. Everyone has escaped except Marion. Jack hears this, and tears himself away from his comrades, at the peril of his life, he dashes into the building and rescues his sweetheart. He drops with his precious and unconscious burden, exhausted, to the ground. They are each taken to their homes. When both are conscious, they are allowed to telephone each other, and their wedding day is set.
Released : 2nd-Mar-1912

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An Aeroplane Elopement

Maude Brooks is in love with an aviator, George Pinckney. Maude tells her father that she intends to marry George, as he is a splendid fellow, but her father will not listen to her. So she decides to elope. Maude meets George at the machine and together they fly up into the air. Mr. Brooks, who has been apprised of his daughter's intentions, starts in pursuit.
Released : 11th-Nov-1911

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The Serpents

Wending their way and locating in a land far from the contentions through which they passed a few weeks before, Eric and Chloe are located in a garden spot of primeval beauty, surrounded by all the imposing grandeur of nature. Chloe is pursued by the covetous desire of Haakon, a false friend, who strives by subtle charms to lure her from Eric, who in turn is tempted by Linda, her cunning and beauty, to desert Chloe and live with her.
Released : 8th-May-1912

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Yellow Bird

Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
Released : 12th-Jun-1912

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Francesca di Rimini; or, The Two Brothers

Francesca, surrounded by ladies-in-waiting at the palace. Her father enters, and together they read a letter from Lanciotto, asking for the hand of Francesca. Both are overjoyed at the union of the two great houses in marriage, and the daughter retires to dress for Lanciotto's arrival.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1908

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The Heart of Esmeralda

Esmeralda Foster, an attractive girl, is very much impressed with Duncan Miller, a crafty country swain, who makes love to Esmeralda because of her father's wealth.
Released : 13th-Aug-1912

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Billy and His Pal

Billy and His Pal, released on February 16, 1911, is about a cowboy, Jim (Francis Ford), who is idolised by young Billy (actress Edith Storey in drag). When Jim runs afoul of a gang of Mexican thieves, it’s up to Billy to rescue his hero. Billy and His Pal is short on plot but long on local atmosphere with the director (probably William Haddock) and cameraman William “Daddy” Paley making the most of the starkly beautiful Texas countryside.
Released : 15th-Feb-1911

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Jane's Bashful Hero

Husbandless Jane has her eye set on Willie but he is too bashful to take the initiative. To make him jealous, she creates a scarecrowl who happens to resemble the notorious bank robber Banker Bill. The constable, sure she is harboring the fugitive, is out to make an arrest.
Released : 31st-Jan-1916

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In the Tall Grass Country

Look before you leap, at hasty conclusions. Nell is a sweet girl and Bob is a good fellow; Nell is a typical Texas girl and Bob is a comparative newcomer to the west.
Released : 29th-Dec-1910

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The Geranium

One glance at the poor and disordered home of the Tunisons shows us there is something still lacking. Mrs. Tunison is obliged to provide for her crippled daughter Ethel, her son, who does what he can to help her and her older daughter, who aids in every way possible. Daniel Briton, a young peddler, notices Ethel as he passes by, and gives her one of his wares, a geranium, for which she is very thankful. On successive days as the young peddler passes she waves her hand to him. One day he brings with him a doctor, who takes her to the hospital where she will get good care and attention. After a few weeks, Ethel is carried home in the arms of her generous friend, entirely restored to health. Everybody is made happy, and more so with Daniel, who marries one of Ethel's sisters.
Released : 15th-Jul-1911

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The Child Crusoes

Jack, a little orphan, is anxious to become a sailor, and although Captain Rhines refuses to take him aboard his ship, manages to sneak in as a stowaway. When out to sea a few days, he is discovered, and is about to be disciplined, when the captain's daughter, May, intercedes. A terrific storm strikes them, and the ship is dashed to pieces. The captain, with the assistance of Jack, builds a little raft, and with little May, they set out for an island which they can hardly discern, as it is so many miles away. After drifting for many hours, they at last reach the island, which is inhabited by a savage tribe.
Released : 13th-Sep-1911

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The Troublesome Step-Daughters

A widower with four grown daughters remarries and brings his new wife home to meet them. The girls set out to make life as difficult as possible for their new mother.
Released : 6th-Jul-1912

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A Vitagraph Romance

After meeting a handsome writer, Senator Carter's daughter leaves home and enters the employ of the Vitagraph Company as an actress. After waiting wistfully for her return, Senator Carter passes a theatre one day and sees his daughter featured in one the "Movies". He goes to the studio and after being shown through the plant he finds his daughter and reconciliation takes place. Besides being an interesting drama, the picture shows in detail the entire plant of the Vitagraph Company.
Released : 17th-Sep-1912

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The Fighting Schoolmaster

Before the Civil War, George Harris, a Yankee schoolteacher, takes charge of a southern country school. He is attracted by Nellie Gardner, his prettiest pupil, but his attentions are resented by her big brother Phil, also a pupil. They quarrel and a fight ensues, in which the teacher gets the better of Phil. Nellie will not forgive Harris for striking her brother.
Released : 16th-Oct-1911

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The Christian

Glory Quayle, a natural-born mimic, leaves her country home, reaches London, goes on the stage, gains fame and affluence. John Storm, her country sweetheart, believing he has lost Glory forever, enters a monastery, tries to forget her, cannot kill his love, returns to the world, becomes a famous slum worker and friend of the poor.
Released : 16th-Mar-1914

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The Godmother

Everything is arranged by Dick and his college chums to have their sweethearts from the city, with their chaperone, visit them to spend the day. At the eleventh hour the boys receive a telephone message from the girls informing them that their chaperone has disappointed them, and they will not be able to come. The boys are disconsolate. While they are deploring the matter, their tailor, the ninth part of a man, enters. Struck with a sudden idea, they seize him and compel him to impersonate Dick's godmother.
Released : 8th-Oct-1912

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The Reincarnation of Karma

In India, Leslie Adams dreams of a priestess who is turned into a snake by Karma, the high priest. While touring a ruined temple, he finds the snake, who is said to resume human form every 100 years. Assuming her human form, Qunitreea give Leslie's fiancée an amulet, causing her to fall into a permanent sleep. Leslie realizes he is the high priest Karma reincarnated, and that Qunitreea has had her revenge.
Released : 27th-Dec-1912

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Coronets and Hearts

Leaving England, in search of an American wife, young Cyril, son of the Earl of Creston, on reaching America meets Lilly Penn, and immediately lays siege to her heart and her fortune when he learns that she is an heiress.
Released : 3rd-Sep-1912

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A Modern Atalanta

Fresh from her college matriculation. Ruth Grantland returns to her country home. She is courted by two of the village beaux, who propose marriage. She likes the boys, but not sufficiently to marry them. Her preference is for Jack Hall, a young man of extreme culture and refinement. She tells the two boys that she will consent to marry them if they can beat her in a footrace, taking each one on separately. They agree, and she, being fleet of foot, runs away from them, crossing the line far in the lead. Jack, riding horseback, happens along and takes in the fun. Later, he proposes to Ruth.
Released : 8th-Nov-1912

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A Marriage of Convenience

Billy Emerson and Mildred Girard are secretly engaged to be married after Billy graduates from West Point and becomes a lieutenant. A very serious setback to their tentative understanding occurs when Mr. Girard loses heavily in a stock transaction that places himself under obligations to his friend Morley, whose son Paul, is anxious to marry Mildred.
Released : 21st-Dec-1918

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Following the Star

Helen Winthrop has ambition for the stage and when, during his summer sojourn at her home town, she is introduced to De la Marre, a popular star and dramatic favorite, she is elated and asks him to give her a part in one of his plays. He consents and from that moment she becomes restless, and longs to shake the dust of her village home from her feet. Her old sweetheart, John Tobin, is no longer in her class and receives a very cold goodbye when she leaves to shine in the limelight.
Released : 20th-Dec-1912

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The Ruling Power

Mr. Williams, a stern father and man of wealth, disinherits his son Hugh, for marrying Rose, a seamstress. Twenty years later, although Sose is practically supporting her sick husband, their little store is taken from them and they are obliged to move, with Martha, their daughter, to the tenement district.
Released : 23rd-Oct-1915

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A Homespun Tragedy

Although deeply in love with his wife, Dorothy, Mr. Thomson's jealousy is aroused by her attentions to his son. Dorothy herself is unconscious of this since she is only trying to help her stepson. Things gradually go from bad to worse until one morning at breakfast Jack, the stepson, shows too plainly the effects of the "night before."
Released : 7th-Oct-1913

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The Shop Girl

Peter is smitten with Winifred, a model, whom he met on board the steamer returning from Europe, but is discouraged by his sister, Ena, who is more ambitious for him. Peter is the son of Peter Rolls, the wealthy New Yorker. Ena tells Winifred that Peter is engaged to Eileen, sister of Lord Ravglan and that he is just trifling with her.
Released : 19th-Jun-1916

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Children of the Feud

Jabez Morton goes to a nearby field to drive some cows to an upper pasture. He pulls down part of Carson Belfield's pasture fence so as to drive the cows through. Belfield, who is sitting on a stump smoking his pipe watching his two children, Walton and Hulda, rises angrily and, rifle in hand, goes toward Jabez.
Released : 14th-Feb-1914

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Oliver Twist

Adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel.
Released : 30th-Apr-1909

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Warfare in the Skies

Richard Lawrence, an Army Aviator, introduces his friend, Count Zurich, to Zenia, his father's beautiful ward. The Count becomes infatuated with the girl and determines to win her. General Lawrence, Richard's father, is ordered to prepare for war. as Prince Dureseign is gathering an army to overthrow the government. In a terrific battle, the forces of Dureseign are driven back. Zenia and Richard fall in love, he proposes and she accepts him. Dureseign's forces are greatly augmented in numbers, surround General Lawrence's army and the General sends his son in a fast aeroplane for reinforcements.
Released : 4th-Aug-1914

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A Florida Enchantment

Lillian Travers, a New York heiress, pops down to Florida to surprise her fiancé, Fred Cassadene, the house doctor at a prominent Saint Augustine hotel. The surprise, however, is Lillian's when she finds Fred in a series of compromising situations with a certain wealthy widow staying there. When she can take no more, Lillian discovers a box forgotten at an old curiosity shop in which lies a hundred-year-old secret: a vial of four rare and exotic African seeds that promises to transform whoever swallows one from a woman to a man or vice versa.
Released : 10th-Aug-1914

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Easterner Alva Leigh arrives in the mining town of Magnet just after her fiancé, Donald Jaffray, has been murdered. Because Alva has sworn vengeance, "Sudden" Duncan, the real murderer, accuses Donald's partner, Dick Randall, of the crime. Knowing that Dick is planning a journey across the desert, Duncan fills his canteen with poison, but Alva, who also is determined to kill Dick, drills a hole in the canteen so that the water will drain out. After Dick's departure, Alva learns from "Tiger Lil'," who is jealous of Duncan's attention to the Eastern newcomer, that it was Duncan who killed Donald. Frantic, Alva immediately mounts a horse and rides into the desert to save the man she now recognizes as her true love. Tiger Lil' shoots Duncan in a dance hall quarrel, and Alva marries Dick.
Released : 25th-Feb-1918

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The Cave Man

After her father dies, Chloe, played by Edith Storey, is left alone in the world. She is discovered and taken home to their cave by brothers Dagban and Eric, who vie for her affection in an allegory about “brain vs. brawn.” When “Dagban threatens to do her bodily harm unless she accedes to his intentions” Eric beats up his brother to protect Chloe, and then subsequently leaves the cave he calls home to avoid further conflict. By this point, he has won Chloe’s affection with his kindness and love, and she decides to follow him and “together they continue their journey, seeking happiness in the land beyond the horizon, which joins earth with heaven.”
Released : 15th-Apr-1912

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The Life of Moses

Released in five parts (The Persecution of the Children of Israel by the Egyptians, Forty Years in the Land of Midian, The Plagues of Egypt and the Deliverance of the Hebrews, The Victory of Israel, The Promised Land), 4 December 1909 to 19 February 1910. A Vitagraph advertisement in the Moving Picture World (31 Dec. 1909) refers to The Life of Moses as a "Biblical Film-de-Luxe". It is preserved in the Library of Congress collection.
Released : 4th-Dec-1909

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The Newly Born

A short silent comedy produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Released : 21st-Apr-1910

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The Debt Repaid

"Swift Arrow, a lithe and willowy Indian, leaving the encampment of his fellow braves, is well on his journey when he is thrown from his horse and receives a broken leg and injuries from which he is disabled and lies helpless and alone." -Moving Picture World Synopsis excerpt
Released : 5th-May-1910

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The Paleface Princess

In the farewell beams of evening the pioneer with his wife and child stop the prairie-schooner and strike stakes for the night. Sounds of the Indian war cry disturb the quiet calm, and seen approaching in the distance is a band of savage red men. Terror-stricken, the settler seizes his gun and stands ready to defend his family. At the first volley from the Indians' rifles he falls dead. The brave wife makes a desperate resistance to protect her child. The poor woman is quickly slain by the hostile savages, leaving the helpless babe to their mercy.
Released : 26th-May-1910

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Speed Versus Death

Braggs, the young western settler, comes into view leading his broncho while he leads his little child on the horse's back. Placing the child on the ground and watering the pony, he takes his knife from his pocket to make an extra hole in the saddle strap. The knife slips and penetrates his wrist, severing an artery. His wife comes to his assistance, makes a tourniquet with strips of her apron, jumps on the broncho's back, bids her husband to care for the child and keep up courage while she rides to town for the doctor.
Released : 5th-May-1910

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Cyclone Pete's Matrimony

An early silent short comedy directed by William Haddock.
Released : 7th-Apr-1910

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Branding a Thief

A short silent western produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Released : 14th-Apr-1910

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The Seal of the Church

"A senorita. With whom two young matadors, Jose and Pepe, are in love, tries in keep both on the string. She lends each to believe that he is the chosen one, creating a strong jealousy between them. Pepe calls to see the girl and she receives him with a show of great affection and preferment. While they are courting, a caballero, friendly to the other lover, Jose, tells him of the girl's duplicity. In a rage he goes to his inamorata and, demanding an explanation, accuses her of harboring his rival in the house. She cajoles him, and playfully stealing his dagger from him without his knowing it, endeavors to hold his attention by caresses as Pepe tries to make his escape. Unfortunately he is seen and pursued by the enraged Jose, who, coming up with him as he seeks the protection of a priest busy pruning trees in the grounds of the monastery, engages in a terrible struggle in which the priest Is powerless to interfere." - Moving Picture World synopsis excerpt
Released : 28th-Apr-1910

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The Padre's Secret

Padre Dominguis, the village priest of a quiet little spot in old Mexico, has been on a visit to the daughter of his dead sister and is about to return to his charges. He is much surprised and more than a little pleased to find that his niece is in love with John Brown, a progressive American, who has settled among them, for the Padre is a broad-minded man and knows that Mexico needs the influx of American energy to make her a great country.
Released : 2nd-Jun-1910

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Love's C.Q.D.

Cynthia Moore, daughter of Colonel Moore, who is the commander of a cavalry post near the Mexican frontier, is much beloved by two junior officers in her father's command. They are Lieutenant Robert Bright and Lieutenant Arthur Hartley, both graduates of West Point, where they had been rivals during their Academy Days. This rivalry, which had been friendly at West Point, became very bitter when they were both assigned to Col. Moore's post and met his attractive daughter, and the true nature of the two men began to assert itself.
Released : 9th-Jun-1910

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Baseball, That's All

He's a regular "fan" and studies the baseball news as carefully as some people do their Bibles. He comes to breakfast with his dear little wife and finds his morning paper as usual at his plate. "By Jove!" he shouts, as he glances at the news, "a game this afternoon." Then he begins to wax eloquent about the strikes, flies, home runs and base hits, putting his hand in the hominy, knocking the coffee pot from the table and winding up his exposition by pulling the table-cloth off and everything else with it. He has gone the limit and wifey can humor his craze no longer. She swoops down upon him with an umbrella and gets in some "swats" that nearly knock the cover from his dome. He makes a run for the office with a deep laid plan to go to the ball game by pretending he has a toothache.
Released : 8th-Sep-1910

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The Golden Secret

A Navajo Indian has crossed the great desert, and his water bottle has been emptied. He is in a frenzy from thirst and sees mirages of water everywhere. He comes upon Nat Perry, a young settler, who is conveying his household goods across the burning sands. Perry has just taken a drink from his precious canteen when the Indian falls at his feet and implores a little water. The young pioneer heartlessly turns him over with his foot and leaves him to die.
Released : 14th-Jul-1910

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Return of Ta-Wa-Wa

After graduating from an Indian school where he has acquired an education and schooling in the ways of the white man. Ta-wa-wa, a young Indian, returns to his native territory and far western home. On the way to the tribe's encampment he stops at Vail's ranch, meets Kawista, his boyhood sweetheart, who greets him cordially and with a frank admiration for his gentlemanly appearance. While they are exchanging greetings the postman enters and hands a letter to Mr. Vail from Col. Leigh, an Englishman, stating that he will visit the ranch with Lord Wyndham, an English lord who expresses a desire to see a real Indian powwow.
Released : 11th-Aug-1910

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The Ruling Passion

Tony Valero, a lusty young vaquero, is enamored of Clarita Montes, whose father is fairly well off, as the middle class Mexicans figure. Clarita prefers Tony to her numerous admirers, but the father has selected, for his future son-in-law, a young dandy called Jose Rodreguis, who has a certain amount of money which allows him more ease than his neighbors. Jose trades upon this fact and presses his attentions upon Clarita. He bitterly resents her preference for Tony and does all in his power to belittle his rival.
Released : 30th-Jun-1910

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A Postal Substitute

When our picture opens, Joe Flynn, a rider in the service of the government, has been shot from ambush by a masked man and is dying. Grouped at his bedside are his son Jack, a sturdy young man, the local doctor and the county sheriff. The old man dies and a week later we see Jack delivering the mail. The sheriff has inserted the description of the murderer in the Yuma Gulch Herald, and the country is being scoured to find him. Jack has a long and perilous ride between the two points of his route and is frequently beset with danger. Steve Benson, a desperado, who has killed old man Flynn, is living unhappily with his wife in hourly fear of having his crime discovered.
Released : 21st-Jul-1910

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White Doe's Lovers

It is a beautiful morning in Indian Summer, and White Doe is out in her birch bark canoe, engaged in a fishing expedition for food. She paddles home under the overhanging trees and vines, lights the small fire in front of her tepee and cooks her primitive breakfast. The air is bracing, the birds are singing, life is free and good. Also White Doe is happy for she had caught a gleam of admiration in the eyes of a stalwart cowboy, when she visited a ranch a few days before with her offering of plaited baskets and the famous blankets of her Navajo tribe. She begins her work of basket weaving, dreaming the love dreams of her people and her heart singing with coquetry and the happiness of conquest, for she is also loved by a brave of her tribe, a wealthy son of a chief with a hundred horses.
Released : 23rd-Jun-1910

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