
Aleksey Bardukov

Born : 18th-Nov-1984

Movie Credits

Hooked on the Game

After a stunning victory at a cyber sport tournament, the winning gamers are awarded CDs with a brand new game. After playing this game, each of them is affected with some force, turning their gaming abilities into real ones. They each become the best fighters, shooters and racers in real life. However, this does not go unnoticed. Through blackmail, cheating and bribes, authorities offer the gamers a "job". But as soon as the lies are revealed it becomes clear that they are not heroes saving their country but nothing more than paid assassins. Moreover, the producer of the game is keeping many more of the same CDs, so many more "heroes" like themselves could also be produced. Now the gamers have to find the CDs and either destroy them or create an army of gamers and rule over all. The team becomes divided into two, each pitted against the other
Released : 26th-Nov-2009

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Двое воспитанников детского дома влюбляются друг в друга, и их отношения очень быстро доходят до интимной близости. Вскоре девушка понимает, что беременна, и сообщает об этом любимому парню. Тот в шоке и не знает, что с этим делать. Все становится известно воспитателям, которые требуют, чтобы девушка сделала аборт. Будущий отец в панике сбегает...
Released : 28th-Feb-2010

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Naydenysh 2

Анна и Никита воспитывают чужого ребенка, но теперь у них появился шанс на рождение собственного: беременность Анны подтверждается. Женщину кладут на сохранение. Однако их счастье омрачается попытками некой доброжелательницы убедить Анну и ее мужа, что в ее возрасте опасно рожать. По ее мнению, Анне следует прибегнуть к помощи суррогатной матери. А пока Анна находится в роддоме, Никита берет на себя заботу о матери-одиночке с новорожденным ребенком, отец которого трагически погиб...
Released : 7th-Mar-2011

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Hooked on the Game 2. The Next Level

The continuation of the adventures of the heroes of "Hooked on the Game".
Released : 15th-Apr-2010

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1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in Nuremberg. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the trial, which will later be called the Trial of the Century: the city is crowded with journalists, lawyers, translators, witnesses and many participants and employees of the process.
Released : 2nd-Mar-2023

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Local Fight

Конец 1943 года. Подразделение советских солдат во главе с молодым, ещё не нюхавшим войны, младшим лейтенантом останавливается в глухой деревеньке, стоящей в стороне от главных дорог. Её жители за всё время войны ни разу не видели немцев, поэтому внезапное появление здесь отборных диверсантов СС стало для всех полной неожиданностью.
Released : 6th-Jun-2008

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Club of Happiness

As many other girls young Katya arrives to St. Petersburg trying to become a big star but until it happens she finds a job as a barman in a prestigious night club.
Released : 2nd-Dec-2010

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Released : 21st-Apr-2012

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SOS, Santa Claus or Everything Will Come True!

Little girl Sveta Orlova dreams that her parents will improve their relationship. On New Year's Eve, she makes a wish to Santa Claus, whom she met completely by chance, although in fact it was a swindler dressed in a festive suit - the unlucky swindler Myshkin. Nevertheless, he gives his word of honor to a casual acquaintance that the girl will celebrate the New Year with her parents. Now she expects her wish to come true.
Released : 10th-Dec-2015

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Terror strikes the underground train system in Moscow in the form of a flood from a collapsed tunnel. The film follows a diverse group of Moscow citizens who find themselves trapped in the city’s underground rail network, their train derailed and virtually crushed after an aging tunnel collapses. Amongst this band of survivors is softly spoken surgeon Andrey (Sergei Puskepalis), whose wife is having an affair with the conceited businessman Vlad (Anatoly Beliy). Fate brings these two men together on the same doomed train, but there is little time to resolve their differences, as the tunnel begins to quickly fill with water, forcing them to work together with the others and find a way back to the surface.
Released : 21st-Feb-2013

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Hockey Dads

Andrey is the coach of a children's hockey team in a small provincial town. The hero's measured life is disrupted by the news that the only ice palace in the city, where he trains children, is going to be demolished. The only way to save him is to win an amateur hockey tournament. Andrey has only a few months to assemble a team and prepare it for the games. Fathers of little hockey players decide to take to the ice themselves and fight for the future of their children.
Released : 23rd-Nov-2023

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Left without parents, having gone through hardships and hardships, Kasym ends up in a boarding school, where he learns true friendship and becomes a marksman. Growing up, he falls in love, goes through exploits and betrayal during the Great Patriotic War. A "thread" from the past helps him to keep a person in himself, which connects him with the roots of the family and the values of his ancestors.
Released : 22nd-Feb-2024

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Лето волков

Released : 9th-May-2011

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A young Lera witnessed a murder, so now she must escape the killers who're trying to kill her.
Released : 21st-Aug-2008

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Dead Field

A group of soldiers is stuck on the Russian-Chechen border near the field which locals call dead.
Released : 19th-Oct-2006

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Released : 9th-May-2011

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Bride to order

Oleg has long understood that it is impossible to meet the girl of his dreams in this crazy world, but the hope for a miracle still glows in his heart. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to arrange his personal life, the young man turns to a marriage agency
Released : 20th-Nov-2008

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Four novels of the film-almanac are united by a common theme - all the most important happens in reality, and not on the Internet. Politicians and housewives, students and stars, adults and adolescents all over the earth take millions of selfies every day. Perhaps these photos will remain a dead weight in the phone's memory, but sometimes they can change lives. However, the heroes of the tape do not suspect anything about it...
Released : 1st-Jan-2019

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The Last Frontier

The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units from the Soviet 43rd Army to hold back the German advance until reinforcements arrived. Hopelessly outnumbered, young men laid down their lives in a battle lasting almost two weeks to obstruct the far superior German forces advancing towards Moscow. Around 3,500 cadets and their commanding officers were sent to hold up the last line of defense outside Moscow. Most of them remained there for eternity.
Released : 4th-Nov-2020

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TV Credits

МосГаз. Дело № 5: Операция «Сатана»

Алексей Гаркуша - 1975 - Cold War between the USSR and the USA, an arms race. Nuclear physicists are working hard. In the Soviet Union, a leak of classified information about the development of the Satan rocket is becoming apparent. It would seem, how can a police major be connected with the intelligence of the special services? However, it was he, Ivan Petrovich, dismissed from the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, working as an ordinary precinct officer, who provided invaluable assistance to the KGB in the capture of an American spy.
Released : 1st-Oct-2018

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МосГаз. Дело № 3: Паук

- The third film of the project about Cherkasov's task force is "Goznak". Based on another famous story - the robbery of the State Bank of the Armenian SSR in 1977, when the Kalachyan brothers swept the treasury for one and a half million rubles (two million dollars at the then exchange rate). It was the largest kidnapping in the Soviet Union. 1967 year. Moscow. A fashion model from the House of Fashion was killed. A group of Major Cherkasov arrives at the crime scene. He urgently introduces his man, Sonya Timofeeva, into the Fashion House, whose main task is to obtain information about the relationship between the employees of the Fashion House. Soon, another fashion model dies. And simultaneously with this murder, a very daring crime is taking place - the robbery of Goznak ...
Released : 19th-Oct-2015

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- The beginning of the 70s. Major Cherkasov and his team are investigating a new case. This time we are talking about robberies. And this is the sphere of management for combating theft of socialist property (UBKhSS). During the robberies, the bandits mercilessly kill witnesses. The robberies are well organized and well thought out. And someone very knowledgeable prepares them. The leadership decides to unite the efforts of two departments of the Moscow militia against the "outlaws": the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the UBKHS. Together they are preparing an operation to arrest the gang.
Released : 17th-Oct-2016

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МосГаз. Дело № 6: Формула мести

- Ivan Cherkasov, as always, is investigating a complex and complicated case. A student of an architectural institute was thrown from the roof. His mother committed suicide. The suspects are residents of an elite house, cultural figures.
Released : 21st-Oct-2019

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Крыша мира

Released : 28th-Mar-2016

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князь Андрей брат Марии - Different strokes for different folks - says the proverb. Born a rabble dies a rabble. But this is the year 1700, the time of dramatic changes in the Russian Empire, the time of reformations carried out by Peter the Great. Young serf Ivan Starshov is head over heels in love with Maria, the daughter of his master. He doesn't want to accept that the young princess is no match for him. "You gave me wishes, but you do not allow me to satisfy them!" rages Ivan against God. He asks a priest for help, since God created all people equal. But the priest repeats the proverb. Accept your fate destiny as it is. In despair, Starshov repudiates from faith. Ivan is stubborn; he leaves the village to take possession of his fate. This is how the protagonist gets on the winding road to the true understanding of Love.
Released : 12th-Nov-2021

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МосГаз. Дело № 8: Западня

- 1980 year. Pre-Olympic Moscow. The MUR people were tasked with preventing a single crime in the capital, clearing the city of all unreliable elements. Even the slaughter department is involved in the execution. Cherkasov and his team are entrusted with the fight against prostitution and "bad luck." But, instead, Ivan Petrovich is forced to investigate one murder after another. In the center of events is a bandit named Skull who recently left the prison. Almost all of the murders committed take place under the Skull, but there is no direct evidence of his involvement in the crimes. It is impossible to prove his guilt, but at the same time his innocence is under great doubt: as if someone invisible constantly saves the Skull from death, clearing the way for him. But who might be interested in this?
Released : 15th-Nov-2021

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Одну тебя люблю

Володя Орешников сын Марии -
Released : 3rd-Mar-2009

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Released : 1st-Aug-2023

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Leonid Filatov -
Released : 7th-Sep-2004

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Леонид Михайлович Филатов -
Released : 6th-Sep-2004

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Released : 9th-Mar-2017

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Диверсант. Идеальный штурм

Леонид Филатов -
Released : 9th-May-2022

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Гаркуша - A crime series about MosGaz - Valdimir Ionesyan, one of a firsts Russian serial killers caught in 1962 in Moscow.
Released : 29th-Oct-2012

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The Mutiny

Сычёв -
Released : 18th-May-2020

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МосГаз. Дело № 2: Палач

Гаркуша - Events take place on the outskirts of Moscow in 1965. In the center - the story of the exposure of a woman executioner who, during the war, at the behest of the Germans, shot prisoners, partisans, and civilians. This is actually a separate civil war of the fanatic with their people. During the war, she was barely 20 years old, and on her account there were already fifteen hundred murders. She shot her victims with a machine gun, hiding behind a toy bunny mask. Then she drank a bottle of moonshine and then appeared the next morning without a mask and lived an ordinary life, the same as everyone else ... Therefore, after the war, it was very difficult to figure out the killer. This case was assigned to the chief investigator. His suspicions fall on one or the other woman ...
Released : 11th-Jan-2015

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Released : 18th-May-2020

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Красные горы

- Vladivostok, 1920. To survive in the whirlwind of the civil war, boys from different worlds, a simple boy Ilya, raised by an officer of the Japanese garrison, and cadet Arkady, the son of a White Guard colonel, pose as brothers. But it is by no means a brotherly feeling that will help them find their way into the 1920s and 1930s, full of hopes, gains and disappointments. First, both will fall in love with Zhenya, the daughter of the red commander, and later, as once, they will find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades: Arkady will make a deal with the Nazis, and Ilya will fight the Germans, even being in a concentration camp…
Released : 10th-Jul-2017

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- The main characters of the series "Journalists" are two losers who, complementing each other, form a tandem that makes incredible progress in the "yellow press". They get fame and money, but soon they get arrogant and begin to compromise their principles. After some time, they "fly off" from the Olympus of "yellow" journalism, but do not give up, but conduct a journalistic investigation on the machinations of a well-known big businessman.
Released : 28th-Jul-2018

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МосГаз. Дело № 10: Метроном

Алексей Гаркуша -
Released : 29th-Apr-2024

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Ничья земля

Sergei Popov -
Released : 2nd-Mar-2020

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Лето волков

Иван Николаевич Капелюх -
Released : 9th-May-2011

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МосГаз. Дело № 7: Катран

- 1978. Cherkasov's group begins a new investigation: a young gamer Kira Miller and her lover Colonel Potapenko were killed at a dacha near Moscow. It turns out that shortly before her death, Kira lost 400 thousand rubles in a katrana - an underground casino. To find out all the circumstances of the case, Major Cherkasov decides to send Sonya Timofeeva to the katran. At the casino, Sonya meets Boris, nicknamed the Musician, who works there as a pianist. They have a whirlwind romance. But one day, in front of Sonya, Boris commits a crime. Realizing that she is in danger, he looks for a way to save her.
Released : 12th-Oct-2020

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Перевал Дятлова

Vitya - Russia, 1959. A KGB major investigates the mysterious deaths of a group of nine student hikers in the Ural Mountains. Troubled by his past as a WWII veteran, he has a sixth sense and death seems to follow him around as he digs deeper into the mysterious incident. The more he learns, the more it becomes clear: the reason the students died will never see the light of day.
Released : 16th-Nov-2020

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